

We visited Vienna on Sunday.

The point was just to wander around a little.


Oh, how I love that place.

It’s simply stunning!

Frankly, there are two reasons why visiting Vienna is always a pleasure for me – the buildings are unique, magnificent and so full of history and the ice-cream is just lovely.

I hope you didn’t expect any more sophisticated reasons.


The folks over there seem to take pride in their deep and colorful history.

Don’t they look nice?


I also found these girls.

They are undergoing construction and look all excited about it.

I had never thought I’d ever find this much beauty under scaffolding.


Oh, and look what I found!

The Christmas Market has already started.

There’s punch, mulled wine and gingerbread overload.

Holy yum!



And then there was this cat.

I just had to show it to you.


And this inspirational felted bag.


And this crafty happy birdie.

Love it!


Dear Vienna,

I am really glad that you exist.

Hope to see you soon.



Your devoted and maniacal visitor.


<img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-8478″ title=”vienna” src=”” alt=”” width=”510″ height=”340″ />


This is artificial mistletoe that shines at night.

Isn’t that fun?

Mulled Wine

mulled wine recipe with step by step pictures

Mulled wine is my favorite fall and winter drink.

It’s hot and sweet and it possesses a very special power – it makes both your limbs and your soul beautifully warm.


I got this recipe from my beloved Mom. It’s traditional in our family, it’s simple, it’s fragrant and it’s beyond delicious.

If you’ve never tried it before, you definitely need to.

It’ll make you happy!

mulled wine recipe with step by step pictures

Here are the ingredients.

Simple, right?

mulled wine recipe with step by step pictures

These are the ingredients posing again just for you.

The water couldn’t make it to the picture ’cause it’s just too slow.

(Oh, yes, I am drinking the wine when writing this… how could you guess that?)

mulled wine recipe with step by step pictures


I love cinnamon.

Cinnamon is the spice of my life.

mulled wine recipe with step by step pictures

1. To make your own mulled wine, pour the wine into a medium saucepan.

2. Add the water.

mulled wine recipe with step by step pictures

3. Add the lemon juice, sugar and spices.

mulled wine recipe with step by step pictures

4. Place the saucepan over low heat.

5. Let it simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes.

This mixture shouldn’t be boiling – that would make the alcohol evaporate. And, gee, that is the last thing in the world we want, right?
mulled wine recipe with step by step pictures

6. Remove from heat and strain into a large jug (or just remove the spices).

7. Serve in glasses while still warm.
And most importantly – enjoy, dear friends!