Knitting Raglan Sweater

Oh raglan sweater, how I adore you!

Just until recently, I mean like about a month ago, I used to swoon over knitted raglan sweaters, wondering how difficult they must be to make.

And boy, was I wrong.

After I watched my first tutorial I realized that it might in fact be the easiest knitted sweater to make.


As far as I have understood the raglan sweater theme, there are two ways of making these sweaters, top-down and bottom-up.

My favorite is the top-down method.

You just start knitting the collar, and before you know there’s a whole sweater there right in front of you on your needles. With no need for sewing in the end!

Have I mentioned I love it, already?


If you’d like to try making something similar, I would wholeheartedly like to recommend you this Youtube video from RJ Knits which helped me a lot. Thank you, RJ Knits!

Happy knitting and crafting, dear friends!



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