It’s in the Genes

I am finally at peace now.

It wasn’t like that before.

I used to struggle and ask myself these never-ending questions: “Why-oh-why dear Petra do you start a project and jump onto another one before having the first one finished? Why? Tell me why? Where’s your willpower gone?”

And then I visited my Mom’s home a few days ago… and she started showing me her recent knitting projects-opening one drawer after another…

Altogether, we counted six things that she was currently working on…

And I just don’t worry ever since…

Bulldog Buddy

Please meet my dear bulldog buddy.

His name is… hmmm… Bulldog (oh, I know, I’m really creative).

He is a bit camera shy.

Let’s forgive him that.

I like to pull his face…

… in many different directions.

And you know what?

He is not just a usual bulldog buddy.

There’s something more to him.

He is usually full of some colorful gorgeous stuff like this.

Now you can see why I love my bulldog buddy so much – he is just so helpful.

I’m sorry buddy – today we’re going to remove your guts.

These have already served us well.

There’s a new project ahead of us.

Here we go…

Black and white – does it evoke anything in your mind?

What about a panda?

Well, we’ll see soon…

… and my good old precious hook.

Actually, that might be even older than me.

It is a precious gift from my Mom.

She bought it quite a while ago and used it to make many beautiful things.

OK… I’ll give you some rest now.

But not for too long buddy, not for too long.

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