The Holiday

We went for a short holiday a couple of days ago.


There was a lot of water.

There was a motor boat.

There was a lot of nice food.

And most of all, there was a lot of laughter, relax and great time.

Oh, and there was a lizard, too…


Here are some moments that I captured to share with you:

Hungary Tisza region holiday summer boat



We visited Vienna on Sunday.

The point was just to wander around a little.


Oh, how I love that place.

It’s simply stunning!

Frankly, there are two reasons why visiting Vienna is always a pleasure for me – the buildings are unique, magnificent and so full of history and the ice-cream is just lovely.

I hope you didn’t expect any more sophisticated reasons.


The folks over there seem to take pride in their deep and colorful history.

Don’t they look nice?


I also found these girls.

They are undergoing construction and look all excited about it.

I had never thought I’d ever find this much beauty under scaffolding.


Oh, and look what I found!

The Christmas Market has already started.

There’s punch, mulled wine and gingerbread overload.

Holy yum!



And then there was this cat.

I just had to show it to you.


And this inspirational felted bag.


And this crafty happy birdie.

Love it!


Dear Vienna,

I am really glad that you exist.

Hope to see you soon.



Your devoted and maniacal visitor.


<img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-8478″ title=”vienna” src=”” alt=”” width=”510″ height=”340″ />


This is artificial mistletoe that shines at night.

Isn’t that fun?

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