Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

Farfalle pasta is the best!

Don’t you think?

This kind of pasta has grown closest to my heart. For some reason it even tastes better than the other kinds.



This time I’ve decided to prepare these lovely little bow-ties with a very simple tomato sauce.

But there’s this thing I need to own up… I saw Feta cheese in the fridge and just couldn’t resist and had to add it to the sauce. The temptation was too strong. Stronger than me.

The result?

The cheese has given a unique tang to the sauce and it was all perfectly yummilicious!

Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

These are the ingredients that you need if you want to make your own Tomato-Feta Farfalle.

Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

1. First, peel and slice the garlic thinly.

Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

2. Then pour the olive oil into a pan and heat it up.


3. When the oil begins to sizzle add the garlic.

Cook for about 1 minute stirring constantly.

Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

4. Add the crushed tomatoes, salt and sugar and stir again.

Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

5. Now cut your Feta cheese into little cubes (or just crumble it if you feel especially mischievous)…

Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

6. …and add it to the sauce.



Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

7. Stir it all and let cook over medium-low heat for about 20 minutes. Stir every two minutes or so.


I wonder, will I ever tire of this color?

I don’t think so.

The color of tomato sauce might actually be the reason why I fell in love with food photography.


Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

8. In the meantime, grab the basil leaves, give them a rough chop…

Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

9. …and add them to the sauce about 18 minutes into the cooking process so that the basil can cook with the sauce for about two minutes.
Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

You’ll notice that the sauce has reduced in volume a little and has become more thick.

10. Cook the bow-ties according to the package instructions.

Farfalle with Tomato and Cheese Sauce

And serve.

You can even sprinkle a little Parmesan on top. That will transfer you to heaven instantly.

Enjoy, dear friends!

(This recipe makes 6 portions and will take you about 30 minutes to prepare.)

Bacon and Cheese Biscuits

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe

I’d love to reveal a little secret about our monkey household of two.

We love biscuits! All sorts of them!

Unbelievable, huh?


Biscuits are especially enjoyed by the male monkey over here.

You should see his smile each time he finds out they are in the oven.

It’s the widest and most content smile I’ve ever seen.

And when the biscuits are done my boyfriend immediately grabs his plate of at least fourteen and hurries to watch his favorite sitcoms.

I love to make biscuits because somehow they make the world a perfect place.

They are magical.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

Here are the ingredients.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

And here’s the bacon.

It’s a crucial part of the magic.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

1. To make your own Bacon and Cheese Biscuits, first preheat the oven to 390 °F (200 °C).


2. Then slice the bacon thinly.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

3. In a large pan, fry the bacon over moderate heat until crisp.

This will take a couple of minutes.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

4. When beautifully crispy, remove the bacon from the pan and crumble it finely.

5. Grab the cheese and grate it.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

Just like this.

This is a lot of cheese.


The cheese mostly will constitute the flavor of your biscuits. So choose the one you really like.

It’s completely up to you.

I used Leerdammer. Next time I’ll try Cheddar, I think.

It’s fun because the biscuits can be different every time.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

6. Now we need a large bowl.

Using a pastry cutter (or just a fork), combine the flour, baking powder, salt, cayenne pepper and butter until crumbs form.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

7. Stir in the grated cheese and the bacon.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

8. Then add the milk…

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

9. …and stir together just until the dry ingredients are well moistened.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

10. Transfer the dough onto a lightly floured surface and make a Halloween face out of it.


What I really mean is that now you should knead the dough 4 – 5 times.

To make the biscuits perfectly soft, the trick is not to over-knead the dough.
bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

11. Roll it out to about 1/2 inch (1 cm) thickness.

When it gets sticky use some flour to make the job easier.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

12. Cut out rounds using a 2-inch (5 cm) cutter.

Pat the scraps together, re-roll them and cut out some more rounds.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

13. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Arrange your biscuits on the sheet about 1/2 inch (2.5 cm) apart.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

14. And bake them for about 15 minutes.

bacon and cheese biscuits recipe with step by step pictures

These are so yummy.

Enjoy, dear friends!


This recipe makes about 36 biscuits.

(The recipe was adapted from LeitesCulinaria.com.)

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