New Pattern – A Little Crochet Bird Sitting On A Wreath Ornament

crochet pattern - a little crochet bird sitting on a wreath hanging ornament


I am very happy to tell you that the pattern for the little birdies has been finished today.

The colorful crochet birds now sit on their colorful crochet wreaths and they are happily awaiting spring!


crochet pattern - a little crochet bird sitting on a wreath hanging ornament

Here’s a little peak into the pattern. It has 57 helpful step-by-step pictures to make the crafting as easy as possible.


crochet pattern - a little crochet bird sitting on a wreath hanging ornament

Look! I have made many many of these happy hanging ornaments. And I am not even sure if I’m done…


crochet pattern - a little crochet bird sitting on a wreath hanging ornament

And I have given the birdies a new home on these branches today. They enjoy staying there, I can tell. I can almost hear them sing.


crochet pattern - a little crochet bird sitting on a wreath hanging ornament

Playing with all the colors, that is what I loved about this project a lot.


crochet pattern - a little crochet bird sitting on a wreath hanging ornament

If you like the little ornaments and would like to make some too, then you are invited into my SHOP where you can find all the necessary details about the pattern.

I wish you a colorful day!

With love,


Morning Yum…

morning yum


I have a slight feeling that this 365 Photo Project of mine will bring quite a few breakfast pictures on this blog this year. Sooo… here’s a picture of my breakfast today. Loved it! And I love that tray too, it’s my newest kitchen gem. Little kitchen happies, that is what I live for.

Oh, and I wanted to tell you that you can follow my 365 photo project on Pinterest too… well, if you dare see 365 pictures of my everyday life… 🙂

I wish you a gorgeous new week!



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