Coffee And Candle (365/33)

candle in glass with coffee beans

I added a little ‘happy’ to my home today with this simple decoration.

It’s vanilla scented candle in a glass filled with real coffee beans.

The inspiration came from a very similar thing I saw in a pub that I visited just recently.

I have to admit, I like this little decor a lot. So romantic and cute! Candles have a special magical power to lift my spirits during the months of winter. I love them so much!

Thanks for letting me share!

I wish you a splendid weekend!


(P.S.: The glass and the candle are from Ikea.)


Long Long Long Chain Of Stitches (Photography Project 365 – Day 32)

long long long chain

Long, long, long chain of crochet stitches… that’s what I was working on today.

Can you imagine a simpler and more therapeutic activity? Well, there actually might be none. 🙂

For my future secret project, I will need to make that chain much longer than the picture shows. I then plan to turn it into something special that I’ll show you soon.

I really hope it works out.

Oh, and that green color? Don’t you just love that green color? I fell in love with it the moment I saw it in my favorite yarn store. It is actually just the simple good old worsted weight Red Heart yarn.

Thank you for letting me share this simple snippet of my life today.

I wish you a very nice weekend!

With very much love,


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