Candied Walnuts …and ‘Oh! Nuts’

candied walnuts recipe with step-by-step images

Recently, one very sweet person approached me offering a wonderful chance to grab and taste a few products from a company called ‘Oh Nuts’.

So I grabbed them and tasted them and now I’m in heaven…

candied walnuts recipe with step-by-step images

There were yummy Dried Mango Slices.

candied walnuts recipe with step-by-step images

There were Dried Turkish Apricots.


Me love apricots!

candied walnuts recipe with step-by-step images

And then there were walnuts.

Immediately I knew that me and these walnuts could make really great friends.

In other words, I decided to make some candied walnuts.


Have you ever tried that?

Well, you definitely should. It’s so much fun and the taste …mmm …that taste is just unbelievably scrumptious.

candied walnuts recipe with step-by-step images

To prepare candied walnuts you need 1 1/2 cups (50 grams) walnuts, 1/2 cup (100 grams) granulated sugar and a pinch of salt.

It’s this simple.


1. First, toast the walnuts in the oven at 350 F (175 C) for about 5 minutes.

candied walnuts recipe with step-by-step images

2. Then pour the sugar into a saucepan.

candied walnuts recipe with step-by-step images

3. Stir the melting sugar with a wooden spoon. Try to break any lumps that would form.

candied walnuts recipe with step-by-step images

4. Keep melting the sugar until it’s liquid and it has reached this beautiful amber color.

I always get amazed when this magic happens.

candied walnuts recipe with step-by-step images

5. Then throw the nuts into the caramel.

Yes, that is caramel what we’ve got in the saucepan.

Isn’t that amazing?


6. Stir it all together quickly to cover all the nuts with the sugar mixture.

candied walnuts recipe with step-by-step images

7. As soon as the walnuts are coated, spread them out on a baking sheet.

You can line the baking sheet with parchment paper.


7. Use two forks to separate the walnuts from each other.

Try to work quickly at this stage since there’s only about 30 seconds until the caramel hardens.

candied walnuts recipe with step-by-step images

8. Sprinkle the nuts with salt and let cool completely.


Enjoy, dear friends …and visit ‘Oh Nuts’ to get your own delicious walnuts, apricots, mango or anything else that makes you happy. These nice people offer loads and loads of wonderful stuff!

See you soon.



Crêpes with Cream Cheese Filling

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

Crepes are a beloved kind of dessert over here – in our monkey household.

They make the days brighter and happier.

I don’t really know how but it works!

Here’s a little idea on how to make crepes a little different than usual – why not fill them with a wonderful cream cheese filling!

It’s beyond delicious.

And beyond simple.

Come and have a look at how I made them…

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

These are the ingredients that I’ve used.

I bet you have them all in your pantry right now.


crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

1. What I really love about making crepes is that the batter couldn’t be easier to prepare.

At least the one I make.

You just throw the eggs, flour, milk, water, sugar, and a pinch of salt into a bowl…

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

2. …and give it a good mix until it’s all incorporated and there are no lumps.

If there’s any more elaborate way how to prepare the crepe batter I never want to know.


I can perfectly survive with this amount of knowledge.

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

3. Now you need a pan. I usually use an 8-inch (20 cm) one.

Pour some vegetable oil in since we don’t want our crepes to stick to the pan.

Place the pan over medium heat and let it stay there until it’s rather hot or until a few sprinkles of water dropped on the pan splatter.

Using a ladle or scoop, pour about 1/4 cup (60 ml) of batter into the pan.

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

4. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly.

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images
5. Cook the crepe for about 1 minute, or until the bottom is light brown.
6. Then loosen with a spatula, turn it and cook the other side.

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

7. Remove the crepe from the pan onto a plate.
8. Continue with the rest of the batter.

Oh, and oil the pan again before pouring the batter for another thin pancake.

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

9. And this is how I made the cream cheese filling.

All I did was that I grabbed a bowl and in it I mixed the cream cheese, confectioner’s sugar, vanilla extract, lemon zest (fresh or dried) and a pinch of nutmeg.

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images


At this point it is important to be very strong.

Very, very strong!

So try not to stick your finger in that and lick it like there’s no tomorrow.


I know what I’m talking about…

Don’t be like me!

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

10. Spread about one heaping tablespoon of the filling over the crepe.

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

11. Fold it in half…

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

12. …and then fold it in half again so that you have this cute little triangle filled with pure heaven.

crepes with cream cheese filling recipe with step-by-step images

13. You can serve the crepes with melted chocolate, whipped cream and some fruit.

Enjoy, dear friends!

(This recipe makes about 8 crepes.)

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