Back, Thankful, and Learning

Hi, dear friends!

Just a few days ago I returned from the visit to my sister’s home that I wrote to you about recently. The visit was kinda tough, though it can not be easy when people are in trouble. Especially when health has been thrown in the game.

Oh, well.

Nevertheless, I and my sister would like to thank you for the nice and very kind words you’ve expressed. Big THANKS, big HUGS, and many KISSES are flying your way right now.

And the picture above? It has nothing to do with the visit, but it has much to do with our day yesterday. We visited Vienna again (gosh, do we love that city) to have a look what their Museum of Nature and Science looks like from the inside. Right now I am going through many, many pictures that I took there and will post about that magnificent experience as soon as possible.

Spoiler alert: DIAMONDS and DINOSAURS will be included.

Till then, have a very nice and a very BOOTIFUL week!

With lots of love,


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