At the Zoo

This is not my new pet.

This gorgeous funky/horror looking buddy is a penguin. Would you guess that?

We found and befriended him over the past weekend while visiting a very special place – the oldest zoo in the whole wide world – Zoo Vienna.

Man, was that a gorgeous trip.

I loved all the animals.

And I also loved all the popsicles I happened to eat.

By the way, do you think three is too many?

I’m actually asking whether three is too many popsicles to eat, not if three is too many animals to see in a zoo?

Well, who knows…

So, anyhow, I had three. But to my defense, it was very, very hot and we walked about 700 miles and in the end I thought I was seeing a gorilla while I was actually looking at a squirrel.

Oh, yeah, that’s me.

There was this underground corridor which led to a glass dome in the middle of a prairie dogs’ field.

And I love prairie dogs.

So I just had to squeeze myself in there.

Made for kids or not, attractions like these I simply cannot resist.

And then we met this buddy – Fred the Seal.

He’s huge.

The picture captured the moment when he was putting on his best smile just to get a nice juicy fish from his caretaker.

Nice smile Fred!

I use the same face when I want a sweet treat from someone.



And a big splash.

And screaming kids soaking wet.

And a lot of joy around the pool…

It just happens so, that in every zoo we visit I fall in love with some animal.

So far, I adore prairie dogs, Kiran (I love you! I miss you!) and now I heart seals more than I could ever imagine.

I wonder who’ll dazzle me next…

Whoever that will be, I’ll definitely let you know…

Time Flows

What would you guess this could be?

It’s my new find.

Now you are surely thankful for how nice I’ve explained it.

Yes, I am a truly natural talent in the field of explaining.

Anyway, I’ve found the pretty thing in this town.

Oh, how I love that place.

And I forever will.

Since my personal history started to form there before I was even born.


Well, my parents happened to meet there.

Besides my personal history, this cute little town is also very famous for its long, successful gold-mining era.

You can feel the history breathing in every street and around every single corner.

And it’s not bad breath.

No, no, no.

Not at all.

I got astonished when these clay slates appeared in front of one of my eyes.

(The other one was closed because I wasn’t wearing my sunglasses and the sun was too strong.)

These slates depict various parts and milestones of the town history.

Can you imagine history being shown and taught in any better and more fascinating way?

It’s utterly amazing.

I’d grant the person who’s created these wonderful pieces of art the Nobel Prize.

I so would.

Can you see the little text snippets?

They were captivating and fun to read.

For a person fighting attention deficit disorder – like me – this is just gorgeous.

A picture and a short text.

The best combination for staying focused.

If only history textbooks were made this way when I was little.

That would have saved me years and years of banging my head against a wall.

I even got tempted to find out what these Latin mottoes meant.

This one, for example, should be something like: ‘Time flows‘.

If I’m right.

Which I’m not sure.

I wonder how you say ‘Eggnog flows’ in Latin.

Since I’d rather learn that than ‘time flows’.

Anyway, I love when things are user-friendly.

There’s nothing better.

Maybe just that eggnog.


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