Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce

Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, pasta in bowl

It seems that today, while preparing this dish, I have learned a few very important things.

First important thing – bacon and tomatoes together make a wonderful, wonderful combination of flavors. Yum!

Important fact number two is that tomatoes are SO easy to peel. It is so much easier than I had thought before.

And last but not least, I have learned that I am a huge fan of the quick-to-prepare meals. This one takes about 25 minutes to make, which – to me, and to all of you I’m sure – is a precious gift from heaven.

Here is what I did, step-by-step…


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, ingredients

I gathered these ingredients.

One gets nowhere without the ingredients.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, cubed bacon on wood cutting board

1. First, cube the bacon.

I bought a whole piece of bacon, but if you have strips, those are all right too. Just cut them into about 1/2 inch (1 cm) pieces.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, finely chopped onion on wood cutting board

2. Chop the onion finely.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, chopped celery stalk on wood cutting board

3. Chop the celery stalk.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, peeled and minced garlic on wood cutting board

4. Peel and mince the garlic cloves.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, how to peel tomatoes tutorial

5. And now about the tomatoes and how to peel them.

To peel your tomatoes very easily, boil a pan of water, and prepare a larger bowl of cold water.

Cut a cross in the top of each tomato.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, how to peel tomatoes tutorial, how to skin tomatoes

Put each tomato into the pan with boiling water (separately or more at once) and boil them for about 20 seconds.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, how to peel tomatoes tutorial, how to skin tomatoes, removing skinned tomato from pot with boiling water using slotted spoon

Remove the tomatoes with a slotted spoon (or a regular spoon).

You can already see the skin splitting.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, how to peel tomatoes, how to skin tomatoes, placing skinned tomato in bowl with cool water

Plunge immediately into cold water.

Repeat the process with all tomatoes.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, how to peel potato, how to skin potato, skinned potato on white plastic cutting board

Remove tomatoes from cold water and peel off the skin with a knife.



Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, this recipe calls for peeled and seeded tomatoes, so cut each tomato in four and cut each quarter, from top to bottom, exactly as if you were tracing a ‘C’ with the knife blade, discard the inside of the quarter and remove any remaining seeds

6. This recipe calls for peeled and seeded tomatoes, so cut each tomato in four and cut each quarter, from top to bottom, exactly as if you were tracing a ‘C’ with the knife blade. Discard the inside of the quarter and remove any remaining seeds.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, cutting tomato petals in smaller pieces

7. Now cut each tomato ‘petal’ into smaller pieces.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, bacon, celery in a frying pan

8. In a large frying pan, over medium-high heat, cook the bacon, onion, and celery about 4-5 minutes, stirring constantly.


9. Then reduce the temperature to medium, add the garlic, and cook 1 minute. Stir constantly.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, bacon, celery and chopped tomato in a large frying pan or skilled

10. Add the tomatoes and the spices (salt, Italian seasoning, chili powder). Cook, stirring occasionally, about 10-15 minutes.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, bacon, celery and chopped tomato in a large frying pan or skilled

When done, the sauce ingredients should be nicely softened and the sauce itself should be thick.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, bacon, celery and chopped tomato in a large frying pan or skilled, dried tagliatelle in a packet and outside the packet

11. Cook the pasta according to package directions until al dente. Drain well.


Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce step by step recipe with pictures, bacon, celery and chopped tomato in a large frying pan or skilled, dried tagliatelle in a bowl

12. Serve the sauce mixed with pasta, with a little grated Parmesan cheese sprinkled on top, if you prefer that.

Enjoy, dear friends.


(This recipe was slightly adapted from here. Makes 6 servings. Preparations time – 25 minutes.)

15 thoughts on “Pasta With Bacon And Tomato Sauce

  1. 1
    purabi naha says:

    Wow, what an awesome pasta recipe! I loved the sauce. The pictures are droolworthy…

  2. 2

    If my mum cant be bothered to cook for herself she always has toast with bacon and a grilled tomato, they do indeed make a wonderful combo! This looks like a wonderful recipe for my immanent return back to Uni, will definitely try it out. And just as an aside I truly adore your photography so so much! Gorgeous 🙂

  3. 3
    FLORY says:

    I love pasta,and yours looks wonderful!

  4. 4
    Jessica says:

    I loved this recipe. Very flavorful sauce. Although I would have personally liked the bacon to be more crispy. Should have cooked it my itself before adding the onion and celery. Thanks for the idea!

  5. 5
    Tabitha says:

    Okay this looks amazing too. Trying it also next week. 🙂 Thank you


  6. 6
    pastaporn says:

    Oh dear! You’ve given me the vapors! Looks de-lish.

  7. 7
    kimmiepooh says:


  8. 8
    Laura says:

    You made my day. Or maybe the cabernet. Thank you both.

  9. 9
    Thủy Quản says:

    Thanks you very much! Good! 😡

  10. 10
    Ống nước says:

    it seems like food “pho xao” of Vietnam ^ ^ thank you very much this dish, I will try this weekend: D

  11. 11
    Ống nhựa says:

    Look like delicious, I try cook it 🙂

  12. 12

    Thanks for sharing, I’m someone who likes to cook and especially fresh food. I will do it on the weekend 😀

  13. 13
    jeamel says:

    i cooked it now so goood yummmmy.judt finish cookig thnk you fir nice simple yummy recp

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