Cuteness Overload

monkey behind log of wood

It’s becoming a regular habit of mine to show you the photos that I’ve taken during our weekend trips.

So if I see the cutest monkeys over the weekend nothing in this world will stop me from showing them to you.


Except for a limited internet connection.

But other than that, nothing.

This time it was Zoo Győr in Hungary.

The zoo is rather small, but I’ve come to a conclusion that it’s good that way.

You get entertained from the first second on and before you know two hours of the best fun have passed.

There’s no time to get bored.

Or no time for your legs to start hurting.

Which is really great.

mama monkey carrying baby monkey on her back

Baby monkey: “Mama, can I be a crocodile when I grow up?”

Mama monkey: “Sure my dear, sure.”

mama monkey carrying baby monkey on her back

Monkey love.


The Emu.

It was standing very close to me.

Also, it was taller than me.

For a second I thought I was going to leave without my left eye.

Or my camera.



The mischievous Llama.

He’s decided to go for a stroll all by himself.

Cute… that’s probably the only thing that his caretakers didn’t have on their minds at that very moment.

They would rather have seen a fence around him.

The Llama waited for the chasing guys here and there and allowed them to approach to a distance of about two steps just to start running again.

I like Llamas with humor.

American Coati

The South American Coati.

They love taking naps in the tree tops.

Just like me.


eagle carried on a hand

Very cute friends.

Don’t you think?



Who knew giraffes love cherries?

I didn’t.

 giraffe being fed a cherry

Hi guys!

Want a cherry?

If by any chance you find yourself in Győr one day, now you know there’s a lot of cuteness there for you to see.


The Cuteness Seeker


Fall at Zoo

canon 550 D sample picture

Camera Model: Canon EOS 550D (…yes, I have a new camera. I’ll be talking about this a little later. Now I really need to spend some time crying …out of happiness. I hope you understand.)

Lens: Canon Telephoto 75-300mm (…yes, I’ve used telephoto to shoot almost macro. When I had a first look through the lens I could barely see one quarter of the leaf. I was standing that close to it. It’s actually not that smart to stand close to the photographed subject when you use a telephoto lens. To maneuver out of this peculiar situation I had to take a few steps back to achieve the dimensions of the photo above. This clearly describes how terribly lazy I can get – I decide to take a few steps back instead of reaching into the bag that’s hanging on my shoulder for a more appropriate lens because it just seems less energy consuming. Sometimes it’s hard to be me.)

Focal Length: 190 mm
(…the distance from the lens to its focus. This sounds rather technical. I have a distant and misty idea what this means but I am not sure I ever want to see into this fully.)

Aperture: F5.0 (…this is a quite small aperture value. The lower the aperture the blurrier the background. Petra loves blurry backgrounds. Sometimes she thinks she loves blurry backgrounds more than sweets. Sometimes she loves sweets more than anything.)

Shutter Speed: 1/100 [s] (…this is the fraction of time I have captured. It always amazes me. My brain isn’t even able to imagine a fraction that small.)

ISO: 3200 (…this is a very high ISO setting. ISO setting this high allows you to take pictures in rather low light conditions. And this number – I mean the number 3200 – is one of the reasons why I am crying with happiness when I think about my new camera. I can’t stop it! I was dreaming about this number for such a long time.)

White Balance: Auto (…the auto white balance of this camera must have been programmed by aliens. It is that good. Another tear of joy is rolling down my face.)
Post Processing: Photoshop Elements 8 (…I mostly played with the Pioneer Woman Action called ‘Soft Faded’.)

The moral of this story: ‘Even not so optimal equipment or settings can create quite an acceptable picture.’
…oh, and here’s the original picture:

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