Cherry Obsession

Let the cherry obsession continue…

To me cherries look like the most optimistic fruit there is.

Kiwi, for instance, doesn’t look so optimistic – it looks rather geeky and obscure.

And bananas – they look mischievous, I think.

To me, at least.

Oh, and then there’s a pineapple – a little ‘show-off’ (don’t you think?) but very friendly looking.

I could go on like this…

Because I’m weird.

And now you know it.

But what I really wanted to do was to praise cherries here.

The greatest benefit of cherries is that you can use them to prepare the most delicious Cherry Pie.

Are you with me?

Are you?

Do you love fruit most in a pie form?

Of course, then there are other great benefits too.

Cherries contain pectin (a soluble fiber) that reduces cholesterol level.

They also are an abundant source of antioxidants – and these are good.

They slow down the aging process.

And we all want that, right?

On top of that, they are rather strong natural painkillers.


I hope I’ve teased you enough to go and get yourself some cherries at your earliest convenience.

They’ll make you happy.

I just know it.

And have a wonderful, cherry-full week.



Cherry Pie …And A GIVEAWAY!

Let me introduce my new most favorite pie to you:

The cherry pie – My dear readers,

My dear readers – The cherry pie!

This might possibly be the most delicious pie on the face of the Earth.

Or, even better – in the universe.

And if there is a multiverse, then there too.

I got amazed by how scrumptiously such a simple pie can taste.

Absolutely yummy and finger-lickin’ (or in more civilized households – fork-lickin’).

But in our household it’s definitely something between finger-lickin’ and plate-lickin’.

Well, welcome to my world.

And now something about the GIVEAWAY

Because I think that kitchen gadgets of any kind are the next best thing (right after the cherry pie) I’ve prepared this cute giveaway for you.


And it’s simply awesome.
TO ENTER (Contest closed. Thank you.)

To enter this giveaway, just answer the following question in the ‘Comments section’ of this post:

“What is you favorite dessert?”

  • One entry per person, please.

Additional entries:

  • Twitter (follow ZoomYummy and tweet the link of this post; leave a note about it in the comment section of this post),
  • Facebook (fan ZoomYummy and share the link of this post; leave a note about it in the comment section of this post).

(So together you can have three entries.)

Winner will be selected at random and announced on Thursday (June 10).
Good luck, everybody!

(Contest closed. Thank you.)


And now, back to the cherry pie

These are the ingredients.

So simple.

1. To make the crust, place the flour, butter, sugar, salt and water into the bowl of your electric mixer.

2. Mix until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.

3. Then work with your hands until the dough comes together and you’ve formed a nice, compact ball.

4. Place the dough into a bowl, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least one hour.

5. Meanwhile, we can prepare the cherry filling.

In a saucepan, cook the cherries in water for 10 minutes.

6. Mix together the sugar and cornstarch and add to cherries.

(There’s this thing you should really know about me. I have the shortest attention span of all the human beings that have ever lived on this planet. So here I go – taking a picture of one tablespoon cornstarch being added to the sugar which caused me to completely forget about the second tablespoon cornstarch that I should have used as well. The result – my pie was a little more ‘runny’ than it should have been. But don’t worry – I am okay with that.)

7. Cook the cherry mixture until it thickens – about 5 minutes.

8. Cool slightly before using to fill your pie shell.

9. Remove the dough from the fridge and place it onto a well-floured surface.

10. Cut it in about ‘2/3 : 1/3′ ratio (… or, as I so like to say – cut it into a bigger and smaller half – here, I said it. Logical nonsense yet so relieving).

11. To form the pie shell, roll out the ‘bigger half’ on a floured surface into a 14-inch (35 cm) round.

12. Wrap around your rolling pin and carefully unroll over a 9-inch (23 cm) pie plate.

13. Fit gently into the bottom and the side of the plate. Use kitchen shears to trim the dough to a 1-inch overhang.

(I made those little holes on the bottom with a fork and I really don’t know why I made them.)

14. Then go on and fill the shell with the delicious filling.

15. Then grab the ‘smaller half’ of the dough, roll it out into a 14-inch (35 cm) round as well.

16. Using a sharp knife, cut it into even strips (you can use a ruler to guide you).

17. This is how I formed the lattice.

  • Picture 1 – To form a lattice top, lay out four to seven (seven in my case) strips on top of the filling.
  • Picture 2 – Fold back every other strip.
  • Picture 3 – Place one long strip of dough perpendicular to the parallel strips, as shown.
  • Picture 4 – Unfold the folded strips over the perpendicular strip and take the parallel strips that are running underneath (!) the perpendicular strip and fold them back over the perpendicular strip.
  • Picture 5 – Lay down a second perpendicular strip of dough next to the first strip, with some space between the strips. Unfold the folded parallel strips over the second strip. And again take the parallel strips that are running underneath the perpendicular strip and fold them back over the perpendicular strip.
  • Pictures 6 and 7 – Continue this process until the weave is complete over the top of the pie.
  • Picture 8 – Trim the parts of the strips that are longer than the dough underneath.
  • Picture 9 – Fold back the rim of the shell over the edge of the lattice strips and crimp the rim with your fingertips and knuckle.

Or you can just forget the whole lattice thing and cut out some little star shapes and place them on top of the filling.

There you go.

This is the finished lattice – still, I guess it’s really worth a try.

18. Just for kicks, you can brush the top of the lattice with a lightly beaten egg yolk.

19. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for about 45 minutes (or until golden brown).

20. Place the baked pie on a wire rack to cool for about 2-3 hours.

And most importantly – enjoy, dear friends!

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