Parmesan Roasted Potatoes

Parmesan roasted potatoes recipe with step by step photos

There’s one very important fact I have not shared with you yet.

You know what?

I love potatoes.

See? I told you it was important. Cause it was.


Not only do I love potatoes but I also am a very avid potato recipes collector. Yeah, that’s exactly who I am. I needed to let you know.

I’ve already gathered many potato related recipes and I am definitely going to share many of them with you. Just like right now.

I’ve discovered this gem of a recipe over at sweet Gaby’s blog, and I will forever be thankful for that moment.

These potatoes have cheese, these potatoes have garlic, these potatoes are simply good…


Parmesan roasted potatoes recipe with step by step photos, ingredients

To prepare them, you need these simple ingredients.


Parmesan roasted potatoes recipe with step by step photos, preheat the oven to 400 F, 200 C, cube the potatoes

The preparation is very simple too.

1. First, preheat the oven to 400 °F (200 °C).


2. Cube the potatoes.

The sides of the potato cubes should be about 3/4 inch long (2 cm).

And the cubes are definitely not going to be even, but don’t let that bother you.

Goulash… And a Short Story

Right here, at the very beginning, I’d like to make you familiar with one fact from my life.

I was a vegetarian once, for seven years exactly. And this meal was the first meaty stuff I tasted after that alternative period of my life had come to its end. And now  –  from my current point of view  –  I can confess that I couldn’t find a better way how to round off that pale and  hungry chapter of my life.

My friends said that after I’d eaten my bowl of goulash a started to smile around my entire face and fell into a strange, coma-like state, waking up one week later, the smile still present.

Well, this might be quite revealing about how great this stew really tastes.

And it’s really, really simple and easy to make…

And this is what we need, dear friends – simple, right?

1. Pour the oil into a larger pot and let it heat up.

2. Chop the onions finely.

We need a lot of onion,  and I mean A LOT of onion!

3. Fry the onion until soft.

4. Peel and chop the garlic.

5. Now add the garlic into the pot and fry for about two more minutes.

6. It comes in really handy if you have cut the meat beforehand.

Just add it to the onion and garlic and fry until…

… nicely colored on all sides.

Like this.

7. Now a very important step follows.

This is a small step for a human, but a giant leap for the goulash!

Adding the paprika, everybody!

The paprika brings the flavor, the color and the joy.

And add the salt at this stage too.

8. Pour the water in and stir.

Let boil.

When cooking, I always bring the water to a boil in my rapid boil kettle if I need it as an ingredient. I’ve learned it is less energy consuming than heating it up on the stove.

9. And these are our gorgeous, gorgeous spices and ingredients that will work wonders with the above mixture.

Just add them all into the pot…

… and stir.

10. Cover and let cook (boiling moderately) for about 1 hour.

Stir occasionally.

11. About 40 minutes into the cooking process, add the diced potatoes.

Serve with slices of fresh bread.


You just have to make this dish!

It’s unbelievably delicious!


Enjoy, dear friends.

This recipe makes about 6-8 portions.

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