Orchids Overload

Let’s get a little girly now… let’s talk FLOWERS!


Not that I know much about them.

But still, I love them very much… and I want to learn.

I especially love flowers in pots. Bunches of cut flowers are not that much to my taste (…I really don’t want to say this out loud… But I somehow can’t get rid of the feeling that they might not be… hmm… kind of… living. Sorry. But then, that’s my own impression… my crooked, cross-eyed impression. So it doesn’t really matter that much.)

Luckily, there’s a special person in my life who understands flowers and is willing to teach me.

Yes, of course, it’s my Mom.

My loveliest, best-est, perfect-est Mom.

These are all my Mom’s new orchids.

It’s her new hobby – to grow orchids.

And when she starts something, she starts it BIG.

I love that about her.

Her collection is growing at rapid speed.

There are loads of buds and loads of flowers in bloom.

I got really amazed as I walked into the room and saw them for the first time – these beauties create a truly special and romantic atmosphere.


Oh… and then I took my camera outside to make a few snaps of the lovely flowers that my Mom grows in her garden.

A soul-warming view – that describes pretty accurately what I saw there.

I’ll be sending the pictures soon.

‘Cause you know what?

I just want to make you as happy as possible…

Lovely Early Fall Treats


Managed to gather all these beauties today.

Pure early fall bliss!

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