Cherry Pie …And A GIVEAWAY!

Let me introduce my new most favorite pie to you:

The cherry pie – My dear readers,

My dear readers – The cherry pie!

This might possibly be the most delicious pie on the face of the Earth.

Or, even better – in the universe.

And if there is a multiverse, then there too.

I got amazed by how scrumptiously such a simple pie can taste.

Absolutely yummy and finger-lickin’ (or in more civilized households – fork-lickin’).

But in our household it’s definitely something between finger-lickin’ and plate-lickin’.

Well, welcome to my world.

And now something about the GIVEAWAY

Because I think that kitchen gadgets of any kind are the next best thing (right after the cherry pie) I’ve prepared this cute giveaway for you.


And it’s simply awesome.
TO ENTER (Contest closed. Thank you.)

To enter this giveaway, just answer the following question in the ‘Comments section’ of this post:

“What is you favorite dessert?”

  • One entry per person, please.

Additional entries:

  • Twitter (follow ZoomYummy and tweet the link of this post; leave a note about it in the comment section of this post),
  • Facebook (fan ZoomYummy and share the link of this post; leave a note about it in the comment section of this post).

(So together you can have three entries.)

Winner will be selected at random and announced on Thursday (June 10).
Good luck, everybody!

(Contest closed. Thank you.)


And now, back to the cherry pie

These are the ingredients.

So simple.

1. To make the crust, place the flour, butter, sugar, salt and water into the bowl of your electric mixer.

2. Mix until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs.

3. Then work with your hands until the dough comes together and you’ve formed a nice, compact ball.

4. Place the dough into a bowl, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least one hour.

5. Meanwhile, we can prepare the cherry filling.

In a saucepan, cook the cherries in water for 10 minutes.

6. Mix together the sugar and cornstarch and add to cherries.

(There’s this thing you should really know about me. I have the shortest attention span of all the human beings that have ever lived on this planet. So here I go – taking a picture of one tablespoon cornstarch being added to the sugar which caused me to completely forget about the second tablespoon cornstarch that I should have used as well. The result – my pie was a little more ‘runny’ than it should have been. But don’t worry – I am okay with that.)

7. Cook the cherry mixture until it thickens – about 5 minutes.

8. Cool slightly before using to fill your pie shell.

9. Remove the dough from the fridge and place it onto a well-floured surface.

10. Cut it in about ‘2/3 : 1/3′ ratio (… or, as I so like to say – cut it into a bigger and smaller half – here, I said it. Logical nonsense yet so relieving).

11. To form the pie shell, roll out the ‘bigger half’ on a floured surface into a 14-inch (35 cm) round.

12. Wrap around your rolling pin and carefully unroll over a 9-inch (23 cm) pie plate.

13. Fit gently into the bottom and the side of the plate. Use kitchen shears to trim the dough to a 1-inch overhang.

(I made those little holes on the bottom with a fork and I really don’t know why I made them.)

14. Then go on and fill the shell with the delicious filling.

15. Then grab the ‘smaller half’ of the dough, roll it out into a 14-inch (35 cm) round as well.

16. Using a sharp knife, cut it into even strips (you can use a ruler to guide you).

17. This is how I formed the lattice.

  • Picture 1 – To form a lattice top, lay out four to seven (seven in my case) strips on top of the filling.
  • Picture 2 – Fold back every other strip.
  • Picture 3 – Place one long strip of dough perpendicular to the parallel strips, as shown.
  • Picture 4 – Unfold the folded strips over the perpendicular strip and take the parallel strips that are running underneath (!) the perpendicular strip and fold them back over the perpendicular strip.
  • Picture 5 – Lay down a second perpendicular strip of dough next to the first strip, with some space between the strips. Unfold the folded parallel strips over the second strip. And again take the parallel strips that are running underneath the perpendicular strip and fold them back over the perpendicular strip.
  • Pictures 6 and 7 – Continue this process until the weave is complete over the top of the pie.
  • Picture 8 – Trim the parts of the strips that are longer than the dough underneath.
  • Picture 9 – Fold back the rim of the shell over the edge of the lattice strips and crimp the rim with your fingertips and knuckle.

Or you can just forget the whole lattice thing and cut out some little star shapes and place them on top of the filling.

There you go.

This is the finished lattice – still, I guess it’s really worth a try.

18. Just for kicks, you can brush the top of the lattice with a lightly beaten egg yolk.

19. Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for about 45 minutes (or until golden brown).

20. Place the baked pie on a wire rack to cool for about 2-3 hours.

And most importantly – enjoy, dear friends!

114 thoughts on “Cherry Pie …And A GIVEAWAY!

  1. 1
    Michelle says:

    this is quite possibly one of the best cherry pies i ever did see!

    my favorite dessert… hmm that’s hard, i’d have to go with chocolate cake with ice cream. simple but SO good!

  2. 2
    Melissa says:

    My favourite dessert is actually cherry pie! Or a bowl of fresh fruit. Yum!

  3. 3
    Sarah C says:

    Cherry pie is yummy, but ohhh how I love my MIL’s apple crumb pie. It is good hot, cold, three days old, you name it!
    soluckyducky at {gmail} dot {com}

  4. 4
    Lisette says:

    I’m trying this ASAP!

    My favorite dessert is chocolate ice cream. Nothing can beat that in my eyes. Pies come in second then strawberry cheesecake. 🙂

  5. 5
    sclotdebro says:

    Yum – the pie looks delicious!

    Cheesecake is my favorite dessert.

    susan (at) cravingthesavings (dot) com

  6. 6
    duonosirzaidimu says:

    Looks unbelievably delicious! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  7. 7
    cathy x. says:

    I made a couple of cherry pies around christmas last year for a potluck party. whipped up a big batch of almond-infused pastry cream too. man they’re so damn tasty! i just can’t stay away!

    umm.. i’m going to say that at the moment (looking at your photo up there) cherry pie is my favourite dessert. i don’t really want anyone to know this but i’m literally salivating. i can’t think of anything else that i was craving before i saw this post. kudos to you 😛

  8. 8
    Kristina says:

    French silk pie. It reminds me of summer and Thanksgiving. Nice lattice work!

  9. 9
    Yumi says:

    My favorite dessert (for now, anyway) is strawberry cheesecake.

  10. 10
    Topper says:

    Peach Melba!

  11. 11
    Bernadetta says:

    This looks amazing!!! My new favorite desert is French Macarons….I’m truly addicted!!!

  12. 12
    Erica says:

    That pie looks amazing. 🙂

    My favorite dessert is chocolate covered pineapple.

  13. 13
    annalene says:

    oh my, that cherry pie looks amazing. i think i’m going to need to make one.. that and some brownies (my favorite dessert).

  14. 14
    Elizabeth says:

    Lovely post and pie. Just discovered your site and love it. Bookmarked already. Thanks. Currently my favorite dessert is strawberry cream pie.

  15. 15
    Jane says:

    My favorite dessert is any variation on a really good dark chocolate cake. Though I must say I find it awfully hard to turn down a beautiful cherry pie like the one in this post!

  16. 16

    My favorite dessert is lemon meringue pie, but I certainly wouldn’t turn down a slice of this cherry pie. I have been meaning to buy a cherry pitter, but haven’t got around to it.

  17. 17
    Violet says:

    My favorite dessert is anything with cranberries. I love cranberry/orange muffins the best, but I also love cranberry/apple crumb pie, cranberry/cherry pie, cranberry/cherry cheesecake, etc. It’s all good! Yesterday we went cherry picking for the first time ever. I cannot believe how delicious the cherries taste. We picked a bucketful of pie cherries and another bucket full of yellow and red sweet cherries. I made my first homemade cherry pie last night for dessert. I was so excited, I forgot to add the cranberries!

  18. 18

    So pretty! All the cherries at the store have been so tempting lately, I just have to decide what to do with them!

    Having to pick a favorite dessert is probably impossible, but my first impulse is to say chocolate mousse. Chocolate mousse is really good.

  19. 19
    Veronica says:

    My favorite (I can tell you’re European by the way you spelled it favourite, as you can tell I’m American by the way I spelled it–he he!) dessert is so boring but it doesn’t make me love it any less. Chocolate chip cookies. But my favorite chocolate chip cookies are made with brown butter. Yuuummmm. I usually don’t like cherry pie but I love the looks of your sand that it’s made with fresh cherries. And actually, I find the runniness really appealing! I also love the simplicity of this recipe.

  20. 20
    amy says:

    GREAT pics!

    I like all kinds of desserts but I think my favorite is a big, chewy, chocolate chip cookie!

  21. 21
    Anita says:

    Oh yesss! Meggymagozó 🙂
    My grandma had one too, very practical.

    Favorite dessert: home made ice-cream and curded-cheese pancake

  22. 22
    joette says:

    Just came across your site. Cherry Berry Pie for my hubby

  23. 23
    Jackie says:

    My favorite dessert at the moment is lemon bars, but it could change! I love lemon desserts 🙂

  24. 24
    Karen says:

    I love your pie! I tried making one a week ago but it tasted kind of funky. I think it’s because of the cherries I used. What kind of cherries did you use for this one?

    Submission – I think my favorite dessert of all tie would be apple pie. But lately I’ve been visiting my Mexican side and I really am in love with rice pudding.

  25. 25
    Jing says:

    The lattice on the pie is beautiful! Thank you for the step-by-step instructions–I’d wondered how to create those.

    As for favorite dessert… maybe Oreo cheesecake at the moment!

  26. 26
    Diane says:

    It’s a toss up between coconut cream pie and cherry pie. Today I’ll go with cherry pie.

  27. 27
    Betty says:

    What a beautiful pie! And it’s just in time for summer cherry season- thanks for sharing. My favorite dessert? I’d have to say cheesecake.I don’t make them often though, because I end up eating it all myself. Sad but true.

  28. 28
    Andy says:

    My Favorite desert would have to be ICE CREAM with cookie dough or frozen yoguart. Or seasonal deserts such as the yule log and pumpkin pie, or better yet, harvest pie from Coco’s – the obttom layer would be the pumpkin pie filling and the top would be a lighter, whip cream like (do they call it chiffon?) pumpkin or maybe its sweet potatoe filling. i also love a CHEWY brownie or cookie. chocolate pudding cake is great too…but i still do love frozen sweets!

  29. 29
    Sharon Bice says:

    That looks totally yummy! I am going to the store on Monday to make 😉 w/ the kiddos. We’ll find a way to make it very messy, but fun. Thanks for the recipe. My favorite would have to be the classic cho-chip cookie.. or maybe the dough! Also anything from the Panini bakery in Newport, Oregon – I am from New Mexico but their baker is my idol. 🙂 toodles 😉

  30. 30
    Karen says:

    Without a doubt–cherry or lemon anything!!!!!!!!!!

  31. 31
    Vicky says:

    Ooh, that pie looks divine!

    My fav dessert? After careful consideration, I gotta say a decadent black forest cake. Chocolate, cherries, and whipped cream, what more could you ask for?

  32. 32
    KW says:

    Your pie looks beautiful

    That’s a tough question, maybe Lebanese style baklava. But my favorite dessert to make is probably pie

  33. 33
    Abby says:

    That is some of the most amazing lattice work I’ve ever seen. Magazine-worthy!

  34. 34
    Jeff Blackwell says:

    My favorite dessert is my grandmother’s bread pudding with a raison rum sauce.

  35. 35
    Tasha says:

    Strawberry pie!!!

  36. 36
    rachel says:

    love me some boysenberry pie!

  37. 37
    Xin He says:

    I do love some rice pudding, but my favorite variant is

    without a doubt…


    Indian rice pudding, that puts all other rice-based desserts to shame. Yes, even Horchata.

  38. 38
    Meena says:

    Lovely giveaway…my fav dessert…has to be a choc brownie-icecream combo!!! yumm!!!

  39. 39
    annie nalewak says:

    my favorite dessert is a memory of burnt sugr cake , mom used to make it for me,and the memory lingers still after 30+ years . I once tried to make it but ended up with a bron brick and never attemptd it again . Mom passed away last year at the age of 89 and never could remember where the recipe came from or of even having made it for me . oh well,my husband is a pie man and thats what I make , pie..he has 2 favorites,cherry pie made from canned sour cherries and I always add almond flavoring and he dearly loves the pa. dutch funeral(raisin pie)..tonight its a struesel topped apple pie for his dinner ..would love a chance at the cherry pitter , i never buy fresh because of the pits so I would love owning a pitter . thanks

  40. 40
    pixelpu says:

    i have to bake this more than wonderful pie the very next time i can get my hands on cherries!
    my favorite dessert is applepie. selfmade with apple from my parents garden.

    i posted a link to this entry on my twitter page, my name is the same as writen here.

  41. 41
    Cherine says:


  42. 42
    Lily says:

    mmmmm chocolate anything… I have to choose? Ok, warm molten chocolate cake with cold cold ice cream melting on top!

  43. 43
  44. 44
    Brandie says:

    My favorite dessert is Carrot Cake! Your pie looks so yummy.

  45. 45
    Brandie says:

    I shared the link via Facebook:

  46. 46
    Becca says:

    favorite dessert = CREME BRULEE !!!

  47. 47

    Oh WOW..
    I don’t even like pie but these pictures have me drooling! What a beautiful lattice crust and the cherries look so sweet. I bet it was gone in seconds!

  48. 48
    Katie says:

    Your cherry pie looks delicious!

    My new favorite dessert is lemon pudding cake…wonderful light lemon cake on top and pudding underneath that separates during baking, it’s pure heaven!

  49. 49
    grace says:

    i’ve lusted after a cherry pitter for many moons, but i’ll be darned if this isn’t one of the toughest questions ever. 🙂 my response on this day would be blueberry shortcake with copious freshly whipped cream.

  50. 50
    Wendy says:

    So many desserts….so little time! I guess I would have have to say my favorite dessert is dark chocolate ice cream!

  51. 51
    Tonya says:

    Oh my word…that pie! It looks delicious. Cherry desserts are actually my favorite and my most favorite of all are fried cherry hand pies. I don’t eat them too often but when I do, I can put away a couple! Thanks for the chance to win!

  52. 52
    Jackie Bibeau says:

    Mmmmm!! You can bet I’ll be making this the second my roommate gives up on her diet. (Hmmm, one week?) =]

    My favorite desert at the moment is a sweet bread pudding. Had some recently and can’t. stop. thinking. about it.

  53. 53

    wow this is an awesome delicious pie, one of my favourite!

  54. 54
    Kaysie says:

    By far the passion-fruit souffle with homemade passion-fruit ice cream from Vong’s Thai Kitchen in Chicago. Which is now, to my dismay, closed down. But it was SO good. you dip a spoon full of the ice cream into the souffle and it would get all melty and amazing. Oh man oh man.

    Ps. I’m making this pie as we speak. *Fingers crossed.*


  55. 55
    Becky says:

    no kidding. my favorite dessert is cherry pie. homemade.
    yours looks delicious and beautiful.

  56. 56
    Cornelius says:

    Strawberry-rhubarb pie, hands down.

  57. 57
    Laura says:

    Beautiful lattice work! My favoriet dessert would have to be lemon curd with fresh strawberries.

  58. 58
    Lisa says:

    Beautiful! I can’t wait to make it.

    My favorite dessert is creme brulee, with cherry pie coming in closing behind for second place.

  59. 59
    Heather says:

    My favorite dessert? That’s easy – Southern Banana Pudding. No wait – it’s red velvet cake. Hold one, that’s not it – it’s dark chocolate truffles. Well… but the French serve cheese for dessert and I really love a good roquefort…

  60. 60
    cheryl frazier says:

    My favorite dessert is warm pie ala mode, vanilla ice cream only!

  61. 61
    Fran Dodson says:

    My favorite dessert is a Cherry turnover. Thank you for posting your Cherry Pie Recipe. Your Cherry Pie is picture perfect. I must make this for the 4th of July family picnic. Thanks for the lattice lesson…and for sharing your favorite pie!!

  62. 62
    OTA Mom says:

    This will be the first year the cherry trees in my yard produce, I’m so excited to get started whittling through the cherry recipes I have accumulated, gonna give your pie a try! 🙂

  63. 63
    Deborah says:

    Oh, my! It has to be PIE! With ice cream or toppings and such. Pie is what I love, it’s like heaven above. I don’t like anything else quite as much!

  64. 64
    Liz Rule says:

    That cherry pie looks amazing! Bets it goes great with a glass of chocolate milk! YUM! It just so happens that CHERRY PIE IS MY FAVORITE DESSERT! I also love Black Forest Cake…hehehee love the cherries!

  65. 65
    Mary says:

    My favorite dessert is the perfect chocolate cream pie. It has to be light and fluffy, yet full of deep chocolate flavor. Not pudding like, more of a cream or mousse texture… 😉

  66. 66
    Dawn H says:

    Cherry Pie, of course!

  67. 67
    Kathy Thomas Franks says:

    My favorite dessert is actually cherry pie. Has been since I was a small child. I love this recipe here shown today. I will be trying it soon and compare it to the one I make.

  68. 68
    gina says:

    my favorite dessert of all time

    Frozen Chocolate Mousse Squares

    12 OREO Cookies, crushed
    1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted
    2 tubs (8 oz. each) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese Spread
    1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk
    4 squares BAKER’S Semi-Sweet Chocolate, melted
    1 cup thawed COOL WHIP Whipped Topping

    9-inch square pan with foil, with ends extending over sides of pan. Mix cookie crumbs and butter in prepared pan; press onto bottom of pan.

    BEAT cream cheese spread in large bowl with mixer until creamy. Gradually beat in milk. Blend in chocolate. Whisk in COOL WHIP. Spoon over crust.

    FREEZE 6 hours. Remove from freezer 15 min. before serving. Use foil handles to lift dessert from pan. Let dessert stand at room temperature to soften slightly before cutting to serve.

    Garnish with chocolate curls just before serving. To make the curls, melt 2 additional squares BAKER’S Semi-Sweet Chocolate. Spread with spatula into very thin layer on baking sheet. Refrigerate 10 min. or until chocolate is firm but still pliable. Push a metal spatula firmly along the baking sheet, under the chocolate, so the chocolate curls as it is pushed. (If chocolate is too firm to curl, let stand a few minutes at room temperature; refrigerate again if it becomes too soft.) Use a toothpick to carefully place chocolate curls on waxed paper-covered tray. Refrigerate 15 min. or until firm. Use toothpick to arrange curls on dessert. Freeze any remaining curls in airtight container for up to 6 months.

  69. 69
    Mary Berry says:

    I love pie, my favorite pie is red raspberry pie and then a good chocolate pie…not pudding.

  70. 70
    Phyllis Carver says:

    My family favorite desssert is a deep dish CHERRY PIE. My daughter loves the dark, sweet variety of cherry pie the best, but we love any kind, freshly baked with a sugarcrusted lattice topping!!

  71. 71
    Cheryl Brockman says:

    Love the way you did the crust. Going to try it with fresh berries from the fruit stand here in Corpus Christi. Thanks~

  72. 72
    Chassity Jackson says:

    My favorite desert is my mom’s banana split cake. Thank goodness we found the recipe when she passed away. I try to make it every holiday now. I’m always in charge of desserts.

  73. 73
    Lois says:

    Anything chocolate…hands down!

  74. 74
    D. perkins says:

    Can’t wait to make this looks so yummy, My favorite is banana split pie.

  75. 75
    carol hallas says:

    my favorite is lemon cheesecake yum!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. 76
    kathleen says:

    cherry pie IS my favorite! can’t wait to try this one!

  77. 77
    Linda Wallace says:

    I have always loved cherry pie. This looks fabulous! My favorite is cherry pie, but I also like Mississippi Mud. Cherries and chocolate always my favorite anything.

  78. 78
    valen says:

    My favorite dessert is cherry pie!

  79. 79
    Karen Panebaker says:

    My very favorite dessert is Cheesecake. I love all kinds too.

  80. 80
    kristen loper says:

    I can’t nail it down to one, so I offer up my faves in category form:

    Fave cake: Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
    Fave cream or custard dessert: Flan
    Fave Pie: Apple Pie with Cinnamon Ice Cream
    Fave Ice Cream: Peppermint (Chocolate) Chip

  81. 81
    Sherry Martin says:

    My favorite dessert is peach cobbler with ice cream. Yum!!

  82. 82
    Dee Dee says:

    Cherry Pie has ALWAYS been my favorite pie. When I was a child in Michigan we had a cherry tree behind the house. This brings back memories of my Mom’s cooking. Thank you.

  83. 83
    Bulk Chains says:

    This is the most excellent cherry pie I have ever seen. Can’t wait to go out and buy myself some cherry pie. 🙂

  84. 84
    Susan says:

    I made a wonderful cherry pie last year. The cherries were practically given away at .99. My favorite desert is strawberry pizza. My mother in law made it for me the first birthday i had after i started dating her son. It was wonderful. I make it always on special occasions.

  85. 85
    Debbie says:

    This looks so good! I’m going to have to try it. (And I’ve always wondered how to do the lattice crust, thank you for the pictures!)

    Hard to pick just ONE favorite desert but lately I’ve been craving lemon bars. I always crave lemon bars when the temperature gets hot outside. They remind me of my grandmother and how she used to make them with me. No other lemon bar has ever tasted as good as my grandmother’s.

  86. 86
    Ramona Hernandez says:

    I have always been the oddball of the family growing up in a family of eight kids. My favorites are Cherry Pie Followed up by Peach and then Lemon Meringue. I am not sure how I found my love for these flavors but even now to this day with my own family the only time I get to enjoy these flavors if a go to a place that makes really great pie. I do make them once in a blue moon but then I hear the moans and groans that I am only making pie for me but in the end they do eat it and usually there are no seconds left to go around.

  87. 87
    Kristen says:

    This looks like a nice easy recipe. The reason for the holes in the bottom is to avoid air pockets and your crust bubbling up and spilling out your filling.
    And my favorite dessert is Bread Pudding with Vanilla Sauce.

  88. 88
    Eileen says:

    “…and when the day comes when I die,
    please bury me with cherry pie”.

    Cherry pie is and has always been my favorite dessert. I’m disappointed that many restaurants don’t have cherry pie on their menus. It’s rare to find a bakery that sells them.
    Such a wonderful dessert and the only way one can enjoy it is by baking it yourself. (and then run off with it to some obsure corner so that you can have it all to yourself). 🙂
    Thank you for such a beautiful recipe!

  89. 89
    vintagejenta says:

    Just found your site via I just bought two quarts of sour and sweet cherries today! So a cherry pitter would really come in handy (hint, hint). My favorite dessert changes often, but lemon pound cake with lemon glaze in the poked-in holes, homemade gingerbread cake eaten out-of-hand, and pretty much any kind of fruit clafoutis (rhubarb is awesome) are all way up there.

    Of course, you can’t go wrong with fresh sugared summer fruit in heavy cream, either. 🙂

  90. 90
    rg Kinski says:

    Lemon meringue pie from the recipe on the Kingsford’s corn starch box. I’ve never been able to duplicate my mother’s technique, so I’ve stopped trying. I haven’t had LMP for over 10 years now, but I still remember how it tastes.

  91. 91

    tough question. I love fruit anything for dessert. fruit or chocolate. or even better, white chocolate and fruit in a fruit pizza mmmm

    or mint chocolate ice cream sandwiches 🙂

  92. 92
    Doris says:

    Look amazing!!!!! I must try it ASAP
    and my favorite is CHOCOLATE!!! look at my favorite chocolate recipes:

  93. 93
    pragmaticattic says:

    That pie is pure awesomeness.

    And I am actually expected to pick a favorite dessert? What a cruel choice! In the winter, chocolate is my favorite dessert, but now that fruit is in season, my favorite dessert is fresh fruit. I have fresh picked strawberries in the fridge right now.

  94. 94
    Wendy says:

    My favorite pie is rhubarb.

  95. 95
    Aine Wendler says:

    My favorite dessert is Cherry Cobbler with Vanilla Ice Cream.

  96. 96
    Nancy Clark says:

    I love, love, love ice cream. I like any kind but especially chocolate.

  97. 97
    Becca says:

    Homemade ice cream. Can’t pick a favorite flavor, though, I’ve made way too many. My ice cream maker was a solid investment. 🙂

  98. 98

    In a couple of weeks, there is a cherry recipe competition at food52 (, check it out – you have to sign up and while I want to win, this pie looks superbly gorgeous………If you beat me, I’d be happy (no, really…I would …try to be……happy)!

  99. 99
    Hedwig says:

    Made this last night, and it was delicious! I think I’ll make this my go-to pie crust: it was really easy to handle, and I like that it’s not sweet, it gives a nice contrast to the filling.

    One question: do you think the filling can be frozen for later use? Cherries are quite cheap now, but almost never around the rest of the year, and it’d be great to be able to just thaw some filling and make this pie whenever I want.

    • 99.1
      zoomyummy says:

      Oh Hi! I’m really glad you like the pie. And about the filling… hmm, yeah, I think that cherries or cherry pie filling can be frozen. It’s a great idea! Happy baking. 🙂 Petra

  100. 100
    sophie says:

    could you substitute the cherries for apples?

    • 100.1
      zoomyummy says:

      Sure, you could. For apples, don’t cook them in water – just mix them with sugar (and some cinnamon would be great too) …and that’s the filling. Then just fill your crust and the pie will be great. Let me know if you do it this way! Happy baking! 🙂 Petra

  101. 101

    I have this pie in the oven this very minute! I love the simplicity of the recipe and I actually think I may have conquered my fear of crust. I even attempted the lattice thanks to your awesome instructions and it is gorgeous! Can’t wait to try it 🙂

  102. 102

    I tried making this recipe and I must say that this is one of the best that I have made so far. The recipe is so easy and very precise. Kudos to you! Thank you for sharing this with us. Thanks.

  103. 103
    zunicka says:

    Petra, tento kolac vyzera neskutocne uzasne a lahodne,urcite ho planujem vyskusat. Myslis ze by som mohla pouzit aj kompotove visne? Nevarili by sa s vodou ale rovno v stave z kompotu akurat by sa pridal zlaty klas na myslis?

    • 103.1
      ZoomYummy says:

      Ahoj Zunicka. Tento kolacik je naozaj velmi dobrucky, napriek tomu aky je jednoduchy. Zavarane visne budu urcite super! Enjoy and have a wonderful day! Super, ze si ma objavila. Odteraz pisem uz aj pre teba. 🙂 Petra

  104. 104
    zunicka says:

    Dakujem cez vikend vyskusam. Prvykrat som si v metre kupila aj Crème fraîche, takze skusim podavat aj s nim.

  105. 105
    James Dalton says:

    I reallllllllllllly love cherry pie and the way you presented it makes it seem so easy to do. I am a guy and I guess I butcher everything I attempt. This weekend I am going to try and find out if I can follow your instructions and make myself a nice pie. If I fail, I will certainly let you know.

  106. 106
    Dragonfly says:

    One of the best cherry pie ever!
    I made it today (with defrosted cherries). Absolutely fantastic! I served it with whipped cream and vanilla ice-cream.
    Thanks a lot for a shering, Petra!!!

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