Cheesy Herbed Popovers


These are the first popovers I’ve ever made in my whole life.

I hadn’t known much about them before… just until the day when I noticed a gorgeous post over on Tracy’s blog where she, as I see it, convinced all people of this planet to make their own popovers immediately. Because there’s just no other way they can keep on living their lives. That’s how delicious Tracy’s recipe looked.

So I gave them a try.

And liked them a lot.

At first sight, they might seem like a drier kind of bread thing, but they are not. They are moist, light and airy… like puffed up savory pancakes. But most of all, they are amazingly tasty.

Their flavor is a perfect combination of cheese, thyme and oregano goodness. And there’s also a little bit of black pepper involved which really does the trick.

And the fun part? You need no fancy popover pans. These were prepared in a mini muffin pan and it worked out perfectly.



You want to make your own popovers? Here’s what you need…



1. First, in a larger bowl, mix the milk, eggs, flour, 2 tbsp (30 grams) melted butter, salt, pepper and the herbs.

You can see a bit more herbs in the picture above. I was in a very generous mood when I was making my first batch, I admit. I made them again the other day with less herbs, and that tasted better.



2. Then add the cheese, mix to combine and place the bowl in the fridge for about one hour.

I used Edam cheese because that’s what my fridge gave me, but you can use any cheese you like.



3. After one hour, preheat the oven to 425 F (220 C) with the rack in the upper third (!).

4. Melt the remaining butter (2 tablespoons – 30 grams) and use it to butter the mini muffin cups.

5. Place the muffin pan in the oven and heat it until the butter sizzles (about 2 minutes).




6. Then remove the pan from the oven and fill the cups with batter.

7. Pop the pan in the oven again and bake for about 15 minutes or until puffed and golden brown.




I was staring in the oven for all the time they were in. It’s like watching magic happen right before your own eyes.




Serve warm or cold.

I liked them best the next day.




And, by the way, are you popover fans? And if so, what flavor is your favorite? Do tell!


(This recipe makes 36 popovers. Source:

12 thoughts on “Cheesy Herbed Popovers

  1. 1
    zunicka says:

    Tak toto zrejme vyskusam,vyzera zaujimavo ako ranajkova alternativa;) A ako sa popover vlastne prelozi do slovenciny?

    • 1.1
      zoom yummy says:

      Ahoj Zunicka! Som rada, ze sa ti pacia. A ten nazov – fuu – tak to su nejake pagaciky, ale z palacinkoveho ceste, takze chutia inak ako tie nase klasicke. A Briti to volaju Yorkshire Pudding – uplna sranda. 🙂 Petra

  2. 2
    NZer says:

    The recipe and cooking method reads very much like that of Yorkshire Puddings but with the addition of herbs & cheese. Must try them as my husband LOVES Yorkshire Pudding. Thanks 🙂

    • 2.1
      zoom yummy says:

      … yes, exactly, as far as I know, this should be very similar to Yorkshire Puddings. 🙂 Petra

  3. 3
    sinsdesign says:

    I made them! Amazing taste! Thank you so much! This has become my favorite food!

  4. 4
    Michaela says:

    Tak toto vyskusam.

  5. 5

    The color of these popovers is phenomenal – I’ll take a whole pan please! =) I am featuring this post in today’s Friday Food Fetish roundup (with a link-back and attribution), but please let me know if you have any objections. It’s a pleasure following your creations…

  6. 6
    Laura says:

    Dear Petra, what a wonderful blog!
    I MUST make these! But I don’t have a mini muffin pan…Do you think it’ll work if I use a regular size muffin pan and let them cook for a bit longer?

    • 6.1
      Petra says:

      Hi Laura! I am very glad to see you here! I guess you can try it, but raise the baking time by a few minutes… and let us know how it turned out if you find some time. Happy baking to you! 🙂 Petra

  7. 7

    Hi! Thanks for all your recipes! I have been using it for more than a year now. Easy to make and delicious! This popover recipe, I have tried it several times and this is how it turned out I also tried it with paprika powder and I think it is good too!

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