The Loot

IKEA loot


This is the loot that I promised to show you yesterday.

I am pretty pleased with these colorful finds, I have to say.


IKEA loot

What I like best?

That’s a bit hard to decide, but it probably would be these adorable napkins with cross stitch embroidery.

I’ve been admiring the cross stitch quite a lot lately and these napkins, they just make me very happy.

I hope you are enjoying your day.

With lots and lots of love,


A Trip To IKEA… Once Again (365/20)

ikea set kitchen table

I think I live too near to that tempting place.

Yeah, let’s blame it on that.

Because often, and I swear I don’t even know why and how, I just find myself going to IKEA again.

And yes, that’s exactly what happened to me today. It must be magic!

Anyhow, I found a few really cute things there… 🙂


ikea blue plates

Like this blue dinnerware. I am in love with that color. I really wish they had a mug like this. Maybe one day they will.


ikea white chair shabby chic

Want, want, want that chair!


mice on sledge

Mice on sledges. And chatting! Hehe!


ikea photo frames

I liked these frames.


ikea wooden photo frames

And I liked these too.


ikea blue jugs

Look, more blue stuff. Isn’t that color just mesmerizing?

Actually, I fell in love with the blue color just recently. But it’s a big thing now, between me and blue. 🙂


ikea colorful shopping bag with wheels

Oh, and this is something really amazing.

Shopping bags on wheels!

In my universe, this is one of the best inventions ever!

I am trying to be strong and not start a collection. I have two already, though.


ikea barbecue picnic set sale

I liked these barbecue/picnic sets too. They were on sale for only 0.50 cents. Wow!


ikea nice black and white paper napkins

Cute napkin design, don’t you think?


ikea teddy bears with hearts

And a sweet good-bye from these adorable teddies.

Well, as one would assume, there definitely are a few things that I came home with. So I think I will be showing you my sweet colorful IKEA loot soon!

Thank you for letting me share my adventures with you!

And you know what? I just remembered that I ‘unfortunately’ forgot to buy some items today, it just slipped my mind somehow… so… yeah… you probably know what I mean… my destiny is sealed…

Have a nice and successful week!



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