Halloween Slippers


(Update: To see more of my patterns, please visit my ONLINE SHOP!)


This hand-made slippers thing seems to be pretty addictive.

Lately I have found myself picturing very strange and bizarre slippers images in my mind.

Well, these Halloween ones are one of those.

I had to make them, the idea of wearing little spiders and spiderwebs on my slippers seemed just too cute.

Oh, how I love the result!


(Update: To see more of my patterns, please visit my ONLINE SHOP!)


The Gigglers

Wanna be in a better mood?

Wanna lift your spirits?

OK then, there you go … .

This is gonna be instant!


And can you see that one in the back.

He is already rolling on the floor, he’s gonna laugh his guts out.

What do I hear you saying?

You want some more?

Well, here you have it!


Better, haaa?

P.S.: My Mom makes these guys, can you imagine? She’s unbelievable, that’s what she is!

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