Strawberry Cheesecake

Someone might think that after all the cheesecakes and cheesecake pots I’ve made I’ll have enough.

But no.

Not me.

As soon as I came across this recipe I found myself being pulled towards the kitchen by some strong and strange power.


You better believe me.

The things that followed were…hm…spooky, my friends.

All I could see were my very own hands reaching for strawberries, sugar, blender…then there was a lot of noise…then flour mist covered everything…and the next thing I remember was me sitting on a chair and munching on this heavenly treat.

Things like these happen to me quite often.

Sometimes I’m scared.

What is that?

Well, that kitchen of mine – I guess there will be a movie made about its magical powers one day.

Luckily, I had my camera there with me…so now I have the evidence to show you:

These are the ingredients that gathered to create the delicious piece of art.

1. First I ground up the graham crackers until they were crumbs.

Or shall I use the instructions-giving style?



2. Pour the graham crackers into a larger bowl.
3. Add the sugar.

4. Melt the butter and add it to the bowl.

You can melt the butter in a saucepan over medium-low heat or in a microwave, like I did.

Both ways are all-right.

5. Using a spatula or a spoon or anything you desire, combine the ingredients.

6. Now, try your best to find your 9-inch (23 cm) springform pan somewhere.
7. Press the crumbly mixture onto the bottom of the pan.

You don’t even have to spray or butter the pan before.

But you can.

You don’t need to, but you can…

But you don’t need to.

Am I being clear?


So again…

You don’t even have to…

8. Place the pan into the fridge for about 30 minutes.

9. In a blender or food processor, combine the strawberries and cornstarch. Cover and process until smooth.

You can use fresh strawberries instead of frozen ones. In that case, add about 1/2 cup (100 grams) sugar into the blender.

10. Pour the strawberry purée into a saucepan and bring to boil.

Cook and stir for about 2 minutes.

Let cool.

Set aside 1/3 cup of the finished sauce for serving. Keep it covered in your refrigerator.

11. In a bowl of your electric mixer, beat the cream cheese with milk just until combined.

When it comes to cheesecakes, it’s important not to over beat the batter. That way you’ll prevent cracking of the cheesecake when it’s baking.

Oh, and you might have noticed that the condensed milk I was using looks a little too thin. You are right. Since I am a dreamer and a utopian I decided to bond two hardly mergeable concepts – cake and diet. For these reasons I used low-fat condensed milk. It was all right, but next time I’ll use the regular milk – that makes the cake’s structure a tad firmer.

12. Add the lemon juice.

13. Then add the eggs and beat on low just until combined.

14. Pour the cream cheese mixture over the crust.
15. Drop the strawberry mixture by 1/2 teaspoonfuls onto cream cheese layer.

16. With a knife, swirl the strawberry sauce.
17. Bake at 300 degrees F (150 degrees C) for 55-60 minutes or until the center is almost set.

Don’t worry if the cake still wobbles in the middle a little when you shake it. For even though the center may not look fully baked, once it cools it will firm up and be the correct consistency.

18. Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes.
19. Carefully run a knife around edge of pan to loosen. Cool 1 hour longer.

20. Refrigerate overnight and serve with the strawberry sauce you’ve set aside (if it’s gotten too thick you can dilute it with a little water).
21. Store the cake in the refrigerator and most importantly – enjoy, dear friends!

See you soon!

Most cordially,

41 thoughts on “Strawberry Cheesecake

  1. 1
    corianne says:

    I don’t even like cheesecake, but this looks and sounds amazing! I might just have to try this recipe…

  2. 2
    Robin says:

    omg this looks delish! i have to try it this weekend!!

  3. 3
    Honey says:

    So that’s how it’s done.
    wow, i never knew how to make strawberry swirl cheesecake.
    awesome awesome!
    thank you!

  4. 4
    Vicky says:

    I have a sudden craving for strawberry cheesecake!!! that trick with the strawberry swirls is awesome! this recipe is going on my to-make list.

  5. 5

    That strawberry swirl on top of the cheesecake is the stuff of daydreams. Oh wow!

    P.s. Just tagged you for an award over on my blog!

  6. 6

    That is the most perfect swirling I have ever seen. Beautiful cheesecake. It looks soooooo good. I will have to get these ingredients at the store tomorrow. Thanks for the recipe!

  7. 7
    Memoria says:

    What a beautiful cheesecake! Wow.

  8. 8
    Marina says:

    I love the way you tell the recipe 🙂 it’s a story on it’s own 🙂
    The picture of the cheesecake does have some magical powers involved))) It’s doing the same “pulling” trick to me too)))

  9. 9
    Nelly says:

    It looks really nice !

  10. 10
    Tes says:

    I have to say that I am addicted to cheese cake.. especially blueberry cheese cake. I love your recipe and I think I will make this tomorrow afternoon 🙂

  11. 11
    mouni says:

    it looks so amazing!

  12. 12
    Jessica says:

    Loved the photographs and clear, easy instructions. This looks so delicious, I can’t wait to give it a try. Can you believe I bought a springform pan more than 5 years ago and I’ve not made a cheesecake in it yet? Shame on me, I know. The family will love this delicious cake!

  13. 13

    I made a swirl cheesecake yesterday too! Yours looks so good with the red swirls!

  14. 14
    Carla says:

    Holy crap…I think I just landed myself into the best food coma EVER!

  15. 15
    Kocinera says:

    Oh…my…gosh! This looks sooo good! Beautiful photos, too!

  16. 16
    David says:

    It sounds and looks like the perfect cheesecake.
    I love the step-by-step pictures on how to make that beautiful swirl! It makes me want to go and swirl something right away.

  17. 17

    Okay, little one, that does it!

    You’re on my feed.

    Love and kisses and
    a big, JUICY wave from Cape Cod,


  18. 18
    Angela Mears says:

    Gorgeous photos! Love the step by step. Never made cheesecake before, but I love it, and this looks fantastic. Thanks!

  19. 19
    Malin says:

    Holy deliciousness, this looks amazing! Especially the strawberry swirl, so beautiful… And there’s no such thing as too much cheesecake! 😉

  20. 20
    NiNocHka says:

    Just found your blog. this pictures loook soooo Delicious. And I’d be happy to try all of your cheesecakes ! 😉

  21. 21
    susie4larry says:

    Im new to the wordpress blog world but I was searching for recipes and OMGosh you are just out to make me fatter arent you?
    Admit it!

    This sounds delicious and Ive made so many over the years that never set quite right, I like how youve added the corn starch to the berries for this, it set so perfectly…just like I do after a long day of shopping!

    Thanks for the wonderful recipes, I just know my thighs will never see a size 5 again! But oh so delicious

  22. 22
    Dena says:

    Made this today for my daughter’s ninth birthday. Yum!

  23. 23
    Pizzito says:

    This cake is just awesome, easy and clear recipe, it is mess proof, try it!

  24. 24

    This looks really great, I will definitely have to give it a try!

  25. 25
    Angela says:

    Oh my goodness! You have got to be kidding! I think I just gaine a couple pounds by just reading the recipe!!! But, I must now go try it – it will be so worth every single calorie!! (My mother used to say that with a twinkle in her eyes as she proceeded to put something yummy in her mouth)

    Thanks for posting this! I’ll report in as to how it turned out!

    PS: I loved the way you described the pull of the kitchen. I am so glad I am not alone with this!

  26. 26
    bina says:

    powered by the success of THE STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE …….I entered my magical kitchen and in a cloud of flour and fragrances created the very exotic mango cheese cake. used a tbls or two of homemade peach preserve instead instead of sugar in the mango was beyond awesome…so there we have an offspring of your legendary cheesecake…..same genes…different character!

  27. 27
    liz says:

    Hi,i just madethe swirl cheesecake,it was ok is just it cracked =(.maybe i beat it too much,gimme please exact time for beat the ingredients or close so i dont mess up next time..=(. And thanks

  28. 28
    cako says:

    I’ve tried this cake about 3 times and it always comes up delicious. I don’t even use an electric mixer, I just mix it with a spatula, if you overbeat the batter it will crack, avoid using electric mixer. I replace the strawberry thing with strawberry marmalade, easier.

  29. 29
    joli says:

    Im going to bake this tomorrow! But before I start, can I replace the condensed milk will normal low-fat milk? Condensed milk sounds awefully sinful and sweet..

    • 29.1
      zoom yummy says:

      Hi Joli!

      The condensed milk works better in this recipe. However, if you decide to use only milk, reduce the amount of it by about half (7 ounce).

      I’d love it if you let me know how it worked out.

      🙂 Petra

  30. 30
    Cats says:

    This cheesecake is scrumptious! I bake in a 9″ springform for 5o minutes, then turn the oven off, I open the oven slightly after 10 minutes, then allow to *warm cool* another 15 minutes~

  31. 31
    San says:

    wonderful recipies, glad i found you

  32. 32
    Janice says:

    I made the cheesecake first as directed, it cracked and sunk in the middle. Next did the 15 minute thing of turning oven off and then opening slightly for 15 minutes- nice, but slightly too brown, I went back the third time to my old method with cheesecake-turning off the oven after about 55 min., opening it a crack and allowing to *cool* in the oven an hour- Perfect!

  33. 33
    Tabatha says:

    I was wodering if you could tell me why my strawberry sauce is light after i cook it it’s still not as red as yours

  34. 34
    szilvi says:

    Just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate that you also ad grams in parenthesis! It makes it way much easier to follow if you are not from a country that uses ounces, oz and whatever (to me) weird measures. Often, if I can’t find a recipe I like in one language I try in another, like english, but it’s a whole puzzle to understand the measures and I rather leave it. I chose your strawberry swirl cheesecake thanks to the parenthesis. Finally some measures and ingredients I understand 😀 Just made the 2 min chocolate chip cookie, and I’ll try out more of your recipes later one 🙂 Great inspiration!

  35. 35
    Jvuk4 says:

    For the past few months I’ve scoured the internet searching for a good cheesecake recipe, navigated my way through convoluted recipes detailing ingredients or methods found only on the far side of Pluto, wasted dozens of packets of cream cheese on recipes that were simply lacking in both flavour and originality, when I finally stumbled upon this gem. Thank you, author, for providing me with a recipe that not only tastes amazing, but is simple, coherently written, and easy to follow. The only drawback to this particular recipe would be the unfortunate effect it has on my weight – apparently one is not supposed to eat half a strawberry cheesecake for breakfast in the morning.

  36. 36
    devitoo888 says:

    Hi Petra,
    Suddenly my mind wandered mid-working thinking about this blog. Haven’t checked you for years. And glad to know that you are doing great. And hopefully you still are by the time you read this comment.

    Fun fact, this is still my go-to cheesecake recipe since I found it yearsssss back. I can remember vividly the richness of the cheesecake. And I LOVE it!!!!

    I even used this recipe when I had my small cake business few years back. And thank you for that.

    Since it’s near the end of 2023. I wish you many good lucks on 2024. Cheers!😊

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