My Favorite Book

This is my favorite book.

The favoritest…est…est of all.

It was absolute love at first sight when I first saw it.

I had instantly gotten amazed by its wonderful, vibrant colors.

And by the wonderful golden edges.

“Varázslatos mesék” means Magical Fairy-tales… this much I know.

And we are speaking Hungarian here, ladies and gentlemen.

Except, I don’t understand any other word inside the book.

Not a SINGLE word.

Because I just don’t speak Hungarian.

When I look at this page I see nothing… there’s no meaning to me at all.

… but this… this makes SO much meaning – the wonderful pictures and illustrations – it’s unbelievable.

The whole book is flooded with the loveliest pictures I have ever seen.

Some are really funny.

Some are dramatic.

Do you know this smart guy?

You surely do.

What a cute little girl.

And what a cute little puppy.

These lovely animals seem to be living in sweet and perfect harmony over there.

What a bliss.

I love these wonderful details – there’s an abundance of them in the book.

So cute.

Look – this is me… chubby and knitting.

Yay – me again, baking – that’s my thing.

I love to thumb through this book and indulge in its wonderful illustrations.

A big THANK YOU to all the people who have put this perfect piece of art together.

(P.S.: Have you noticed?… “Illustrations: Magda”.

Who are you Magda?… Where are you?… I want to be your friend.)

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