New Friend… What Are We Going To Call You?


Someone new has arrived!

The long awaited and expected friend…

He wasn’t even patient enough to wait until the lights were adjusted properly.

He was so eager to make his first photo shoot and let you see him that he’d literally jumped in front of my camera.

Though he got shy from time to time he was mostly very brave!

We’d finally settled with this pose.

He’s wearing his scarf and the Finnish-style cap in a very fancy manner here.

I love him so much but he still keeps his name a secret…

What do you think his name could be?

Picasso Teddy Bear


Let me introduce my new crochet creation to you, …

… this is Picasso Teddy Bear!

I was planning to make it really small and simple at first.

It was supposed to have neither arms nor legs.

But as he was coming to life he kept asking for more.

He even seemed to be very cold, not able to survive without a warm scarf and a cap.

And now I just can’t get rid of the impression that he could be a talented painter and really deserves his own painting brush and a palette …

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