Today’s Highs ‘n Lows

Life offers us highs and lows on a regular basis.

That’s indisputable.

I had it all in one day!

todays highs and lowsI

My today’s high.

todays highs and lows II

Hello everyone!

todays highs and lows III

And the low.

I was down… down on the ground! And made a perfect picture!

Oh, I wish especially for my lows not to get any more dramatic than this. Ever!

And I wish the same to you dear friends…

This Huge Trip Around Hungary

Hey, did you miss me?

Don’t worry, I am back.

Do you wonder where I have been?

Well, on the BEST VACATION ever!

Me and my boyfriend decided to have a look at what it looks like over in Hungary.

For those of you who don’t know where on earth that could be – Hungary is a lovely state in the center of Europe.

The following pictures will guide you through the whole journey!

Enjoy dear friends!


The first town we visited was called Eger.

They have a wonderful castle offering this marvelous view.


Then we strolled up and down the little streets and found this cute late summer harvest display.


This little cafe looks so inviting.


Hmmm, and I hadn’t even expected this – GRAPE MUST – an absolute autumn Hungarian must.


The sun had set and our first day was done.

Time to go to bed and get a good sleep. There were six days of traveling ahead of us.

We slept at little local hotels. Another night – another hotel. It was interesting but it has taught me that there’s no such thing as your own lovely, used-by-nobody-else-before bed.


The next day we visited Miskolc, a truly wonderful town. This alley had led us to a huge surprise…


… actually, it wasn’t huge, it was HUGE!

And that is a king in the front. Yeah, you are thinking the right way, he did own the castle.

Can you see the years on the front plate (1342-1382)? That was pretty long ago, haaa?

According to Wikipedia he enjoyed reigning over various countries and his greatest hobby was warfare.

Who would expect that, right?


This is my personal favorite.

It really warms up my heart and brings about that sweet dreamy feeling.



The third day was spent on water.

Precisely, on one great river called Tisza.


We borrowed a motor-boat…


… and had a great time.

Especially me because I had to do absolutely nothing –  just look around, relax and take pictures.

Lucky me!


A pumpkin patch.

I had never seen that before.

I was totally amazed.


This is the Hungarian renowned puszta – a wide field with no hills or mountains in sight.


Our last but one day.

The town of  Bekescsaba.

The guy looked back at me and asked if he should move.

And I said “no please”.



Lovely tulips.


Warm sunny morning in Szeged.


I had to show you this!

And then we headed back home to show you all the great pictures.

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