An Update

Mr P in the park

Hey friends! I hope you are doing fine.

I am stopping by to give you a little update on what’s been going on in our household lately.

As you might have noticed, we welcomed a new buddy in our family this March, our little Mr. P, the beloved and long awaited son.

We feel like the happiest people under the Sun right now.

Our days are filled with a lot of joy indeed. We cuddle, we take long walks and we have been to a few trips as well. As you can imagine, there are new duties too. But as one friend of mine advised, I am just taking it all in happily, no complaints.

A lot of you, dear readers, told me to enjoy every moment because the newborn days fly so incredibly fast. And I can definitely see that. With our little one being almost three months young now, I have already packed and stored his newborn clothes and just this morning I did the same with his 0-3 months ensemble (sniff, sniff).

So that much about Mr. P.

On the blog front, I have soooo many new ideas brewing in my head, drawn on papers or described in my notebook. Our little family is still in the process of finding our routines and I am trying to fill each window of free time with a little bit of creativity and crochet. Hopefully, we will soon find the pace that will allow me to post more. Well, I know we will. But I am not trying to push it.

I have a new crochet pattern that I started making before Mr. P arrived. It’s colorful and oh so cheerful. I am planning to add a few finishing touches to it and present it on the blog soon. If you are interested, stay tuned. I’ll be glad.

So…, I think that’s all about me and my current life. So little going on and so much going on all at the same time.

Thank you for letting me share! You are the best!!!

With lots of love,


P.S.: I would like to say a big THANK YOU for the sweet words you left in the comments of my last post and on Facebook. You are amazing!!! I might not have enough time to reply but I read every message and appreciate them a lot! 🙂


waiting for the little one

Hi dear friends!

I hope your are doing fine.

You might have noticed that my activity here on the blog has decreased a little over the last couple of days. Today I am stopping by to clarify the reason (don’t worry, it’s a happy one).

In less than one week (next Wednesday!) we are expecting the arrival of a a new little person in our family. Our baby boy (OMG, I am still getting used to that). For this reason, the recent days have been gorgeous and scary and I often find myself feeling terrified and excited, all at the same time. But, truly, the place where I find myself the most is my comfy couch with all the benefits it has to offer. My energy levels and my focus have been really scarce lately so it’s more than necessary to have the TV in sight, the books right next to me and something chocolatey within my reach at all times. I really hope the energy returns soon for there are lots of ideas on my to do list, many recipes need to be made and shared with you, many crochet projects have been designed and wait for me to put them together. But I guess that all I need to do now is to wait patiently until me and my new little family adjust to our new life.

I really appreciate you dropping by and letting me share the news with you. You are and always will be the best.

With lots of love,
