Big Summer Yarn Giveaway!

big summer yarn giveaway on

I have some good news on the home front! We have finally moved. As you might have noticed, I was a bit stressed about the whole thing, but now, with each and every box, crochet hook and spatula successfully moved and unpacked, I am starting to enjoy the settling in phase. I can’t wait to start taking pictures of new recipes and some new hooky stuff to share with you. Soon!

Till then, to celebrate the big move thing and mostly, to thank you for your patient waiting for me to have time to sit down to my computer again, I am GIVING AWAY some delicious YARN today. It’s bulky, soft and very easy to work with. I actually used it to make my latest project – the Crochet Flower Rug. The package that ONE of you can receive has just enough yarn to make the above mentioned rug. Or anything else that will please you. Oh, and it comes with a crochet hook too!



To enter the contest, just answer this question: DO YOU HAVE ANY FUN PLANS FOR THE REST OF THE SUMMER? (Leave your answer in the Comments section of this post please.)

Extra Entries:

. Facebook (share the link to this giveaway with your friends on Facebook and leave a separate comment about it in the Comments section of this post)

. Facebook (become a fan of ZoomYummy on Facebook and leave a separate comment about it in the Comments section of this post)

. Pinterest (pin this giveaway on Pinterest and leave a separate comment about it in the Comments section of this post)

. Pinterest (follow ZoomYummy on Pinterest and leave a separate comment about it in the Comments section of this post)

. Other Social Networks (share the link to this giveaway on any other social network of your choice and leave a separate comment about it in the Comments section of this post)

… so together you have many, many, many chances to win 🙂

This giveaway is open till August 23, 2014 and it is open worldwide. The winner will be selected at random and will be announced and contacted shortly after.

Good luck to everyone!


219 thoughts on “Big Summer Yarn Giveaway!

  1. 1
    Emme in OR says:


  2. 2

    DO YOU HAVE ANY FUN PLANS FOR THE REST OF THE SUMMER? I plan on knitting and crocheting my way through the rest of the summer. Oh and going hiking with my Boxer dogs. 😉

  3. 3
    LynnRuby says:

    I will be going with my daughter and taking the grandchildren to the Dinasoar Museum and the Gopher Museum in Drumheller, Alberta – Canada and we are all so very excited!! The gophers are dressed up in different scenes and there is even one in a wedding party complete with bride and groom. I plan to get more creative this winter and have designed my own craft room complete with many organizers, fold up craft table and just purchased a sewing machine and with help from You Tube will be teaching myself to sew. Fun!

  4. 4
    Cindi says:

    To go swimming at the lake as much as possible before it gets, cold, and at Hampton Beach. 🙂

  5. 5
    Linda coon says:

    The rest of my summer will be well spent getting ready for the holidays. If I start now I should have all my gifts crocheted and wrapped.

  6. 6
    Anne Marie says:

    No more summer plans outside of corcheting!!

  7. 7
    Anne Marie says:

    I follow you on FB.

  8. 8
    becky says:

    For me summer is still 4 months away in the southern hemisphere but I can’t wait

  9. 9
    Anne Marie says:

    I follow you on pinterest.

  10. 10
    Sarah says:

    I’m going to spend the rest of my summer crocheting and enjoying the weather!

  11. 11
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    Sarah says:

    I like you on FB! 🙂

  13. 13
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    Sarah says:

    I follow you on Pinterest.

  15. 15
    Caroline says:

    More crocheting projects if I win!

  16. 16
    Linda Beaubien says:

    I am recovering from a major illness, and I plan to take every day just at comes. I get a lot of enjoyment for crocheting, and plan spend my time at that. And, I will also spend many hours marvelling that – I made that!

  17. 17
    Eva Castillo says:

    Nothing fun…. Just getting boys ready for school.

  18. 18
    Jaime says:


    My baby girl will be due any day now so the real fun is about to begin ! I was able to visit the beach this past May and it was amazing !

    Good Luck to everyone with the contest 😀

  19. 19
    Robyn says:

    Summer plans? Hanging with the kiddos at the pool, doing art activities, teaching the kids to ride bikes and bake cookies.

  20. 20
    Roxann M. says:

    I plan on finishing up my Morin Design, Inc. & Photography website with my web designer and finishing and debuting my Eclectic Crochet blog 😀 Along with crocheting gifts for Christmas!

  21. 21
    Elizabeth Krasenstein says:

    Thanks for the opportunity, Yes I. Have something planed for the summer.
    returning to Australia to enjoy the Australian summer.
    I belong to a craft group of girls and am anxious to pass on what I have learnt from America.
    Thank you for all your patterns and advise.

  22. 22
    Adriana Bon says:

    My hubby and I are hopefully gonna take a trip to the Oregon coast!

  23. 23
    Adriana Bon says:

    I’m a fan on facebook! 🙂

  24. 24
    L. Maria Reimer says:

    Pinned! What I’m probably going to do? Crocheting, crocheting crocheting!! Work, and maybe some swimming and movie nights thrown in there!

  25. 25
    Nieves Martínez says:

    I will be flying to IStambul in a weekwith my husband, one of my dreams will come true! I’m so happy!!,

  26. 26
    Debbie says:

    I just “opened” my own Facebook Page (Funny Bunny Crochet) a couple of weeks ago, so my fun plans are to continue making a whole bunch of scarves and stuff and get myself out there! I always wanted to take a shot at making a living doing what I love and this is it! My husband makes beautiful hand-turned pins and he’ll be busy with that, and come October for our anniversary we will be traveling to Maine to visit dear friends. I am so blessed to be doing what I love with the people I love most! Thanks so much for the contest – good luck to us all!

  27. 27
    Esther says:

    Enjoy the day to day…

  28. 28
    Gill says:

    I will be heading to the coast here in Northern Ireland to crochet by the sea and have time to relax with my family. Not to many blue skies in the weather forecast so would be lovely to have some beautiful blue wool to crochet with in the rain 🙂

  29. 29
    Cassandra says:

    I plan on getting as much knitting and crocheting in as I can – we will be traveling and usually I can get a lot done – I love your rug pattern – thanks for a chance to win some yarn!

  30. 30
    ladymeba says:

    I am going to redecorate my living room and plan to create a calming space to do my crafts and crochet – oh, and do more crocheting 😀 x

  31. 31
    Dana says:

    Finish my first crochet top (for me). And going Camping, it is always fun, hopefully it wont be as hot. Thanks.

  32. 32
    Kathryn N. says:

    Hot and humid here in Florida, so my plans are to work on my many WIPs in doors, and maybe, just maybe, go back to Michigan to visit my family.

  33. 33
    Rose says:

    We’re camping for a week! Thanks for the chance to win!

  34. 34
    Rose says:

    I liked on Facebook!

  35. 35
    Rose says:

    I followed on Pinterest!

  36. 36
    Rose says:

    I re-pinned! Woo! Pick me!! Lol

  37. 37
    kelli says:

    Swimming, play dates, one last trip to the beach!

  38. 38
    Sue says:

    I’ll be enjoying the last days of summer with the grandchildren, especially the oldest grandson as he starts school next month. And working on a crochet blanket for those cold winter evenings.

  39. 39
    Ana Marija says:

    I’m visiting my friend for a few days and we’ll be crocheting together!

  40. 40
    Ana Marija says:

    I follow you on Pinterest!

  41. 41
    Ana Marija says:

    I like you on FB!

  42. 42
    Ana Marija says:

    I shared on FB!

  43. 43
    Janette says:

    For the rest of the summer I plan to meet with my significant other and make plans for the rest of our lives, help my daughter raise money for a mission trip to Jamaica by crocheting scarves and hats for her to sell and finish up my Christmas gifts….

    Just need to get the yarn and I am off to the races…..

  44. 44
    Stella says:

    Nothing exciting. We need to get ready for the new school year, but i will crochet new pencil pouches at some point.

  45. 45
    Linda says:

    I plan to have my grandkids over to do some crafting with me…indoors with Air Conditioning!!

  46. 46
    Ofelia says:

    If you mean fun being with family and friends, so yesssss I’ll have a lot of fun the rest of the summer. 🙂
    Thank you for the giveaway.

  47. 47
    Carla S says:

    I might go on a couple of local road trips.

  48. 48
    Carla S says:

    I liked your page on facebook.

  49. 49
    Carla S says:

    I follow you on pinterest.

  50. 50
  51. 51
    Ofelia says:

    I follow you on Facebook.

  52. 52
    Ofelia says:

    I shared on Facebook.

  53. 53
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    Ofelia says:

    I follow you on pinterest.

  55. 55
    Suzie says:

    Good to hear you’re settling into your new home 🙂
    Fun plans for the rest of summer include taking my 2 girls on a 13 hour car and ferry journey to spend time with family. Of course my hooks will go with me on my road trip. You never know when you’ll come across a yarn store 😉

  56. 56
    Brenda B. says:

    I would still like to go to the beach before the summer is over! Thanks for the chance to win!

  57. 57
    Brenda B. says:

    I al already a follower of your Facebook page! Thanks for the chance to win!

  58. 58
    Brenda B. says:

    Already follow you on Pinterest!

  59. 59
    Brenda B. says: Here is where I shared your lovely giveaway and thank you for having it!

  60. 60
    Elsie says:

    Congratulations on your move! I look forward to your new adventures. For the rest of the summer we have my son’s birthday to celebrate. We don’t restrict celebrating on only his birthday . . . we celebrate the whole birthday month! Thank you for the chance to win the yarn giveaway. ~Elsie

  61. 61
    Sylvia says:

    Hope you enjoy your new home Petra. Love your creations and simple easy to make recipes. I work full-time so there isn’t a lot of time left for my summer but I’m hoping to get my craft space organized to get ready for the Christmas rush. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  62. 62
    Sylvia Roecken says:

    I have shared your giveaway on my personal Facebook page.

  63. 63
    Sylvia Roecken says:

    I’ve liked your Zoom Yummy Facebook page.

  64. 64
    Linda says:

    Getting my craft room set up after my recent move!! Then make something for myself before I start anything else!!

  65. 65
    Elsie says:

    I follow you on facebook.

  66. 66
    Emily Abreu says:

    I just want to enjoy the last week with the kids before school starts. We will enjoy the pool a few more times 🙂

  67. 67
    maura says:

    fun plans ? a dysfunctional family re-union is all! that’s plenty fun. i already follow you on pinterest and face book and now twitter too.

  68. 68
    Amanda C. says:

    Great giveaway! Thank you <3 I think I will enjoy the rest of the summer with some beach going and relaxing before the kiddos go back to school.

  69. 69
    Amanda C. says:

    Shared on Facebook!

  70. 70
    Amanda C. says:

    Shared on Pinterest!

  71. 71
    Amanda C. says:

    I’m already a Facebook fan!

  72. 72
    Amanda C. says:

    I already follow you on Pinterest!

  73. 73
    Melissa says:

    I plan to go on a week long camping trip with 30 of my friends and family. We go every year and have an absolute blast! Can not wait!

  74. 74
    Melissa says:

    I follow you on Pinterest! Love all of the great ideas.

  75. 75
    Melissa says:

    I am already a Facebook fan.

  76. 76
    Melissa says:

    Shared on Pinterest.

  77. 77
    Kwabby says:

    trying my fierst loomband bracelet 🙂

  78. 78
    Melissa says:

    Shared on Facebook.

  79. 79
    Melissa says:

    I shared the giveaway on G+

  80. 80
    Lorraine says:

    I plan on spinning luscious fibers and knitting/crocheting as well as getting the canning done for the up coming winter months.

  81. 81
    barbara n says:

    I am heading to see my daughter in Washington, DC and going to a baseball game!

  82. 82
    daniella says:

    pinterest pin

  83. 83
    Irene Wastaferro says:

    Crocheting for years it has been a wonderful ride 🙂

  84. 84
    Natalie says:

    I will be spending time with a local artist learning textures in drawing. Also, we are going to spend time in Asheville, NC. Oh, and working on crochet projects for my very first Autumn festival!

  85. 85
    Natalie says:

    I liked and shared this link on facebook.

  86. 86
    Natalie says:

    I am following you on pinterest. 🙂

  87. 87
    Lynn says:

    camping, campfires, and a drive-in movie!!

  88. 88
    Justine says:

    Can’t wait to see more of your food and craft photos in your new home. Its still winter here in the land down under. I just finished my first full crochet blanket. Its a rainbow make with 8ply 100% cotton. I have just started my 2nd crochet blanket. Feel free to send some of your nice summer weather down to us 🙂

  89. 89
    LunaRaven says:

    I traveling to New England next month! Before then I have some DIY projects to take care of.

  90. 90
    Signe Melton says:

    I will get some biking in with my friends along with a kayak experience for the first time with my daughters and a super cool grandma.

  91. 91
    Zoe says:

    I plan on building an Iron Man arm to run in costume for a Superhero 5k during the Salt Lake Comic Con.

  92. 92
    Zoe says:

    I also like you on Facebook.

  93. 93
    Zoe says:

    And I am following your Pinterest.

  94. 94
    Elsie says:

    I follow you on pinterest.

  95. 95
    Tabetha Schott says:

    My summer just ended, my boys are back in school. More time to crochet with less distractions. I already follow you on Pinterest, where I actually saw the giveaway.

  96. 96
    Tabetha Schott says:

    Shared on Facebook.

  97. 97
    Tabetha Schott says:

    Liked on Facebook.

  98. 98
    Tabetha Schott says:

    Shared on Pinterest.

  99. 99
    Tabetha Schott says:

    Already follow you on Pinterest. Good luck to everyone!

  100. 100
    Jasmine Hodges says:

    Since the kiddies go back in two weeks here we’ll try and fit one more day trip in and then we’re going school shopping!

  101. 101
    Jasmine Hodges says:

    Liked you on Facebook !

  102. 102
    Jasmine Hodges says:

    I pinned on Pinterest!

  103. 103
    Jasmine Hodges says:

    I followed you on Pinterest

  104. 104
    Laurie Parrott says:

    I am watching seasons of my favorite show.

  105. 105
    Barbara says:

    I plan to finish some crochet toys 🙂

  106. 106
    Barbara says:

    I am FB follower as well 🙂

  107. 107
    Carolsue says:

    School has started so the “fun things” are probably over for now. We already went to Disneyland this summer.

  108. 108
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    craftyone says:

    I am moving. It is not so much fun as it is something that will be occurring during the summer. 🙂

  112. 112
    craftyone says:

    I shared on fb.

  113. 113
    craftyone says:

    i like zoom yummy on fb

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    craftyone says:

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    craftyone says:

    I follow zoom yummy on pinterest

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    craftyone says:

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    craftyone says:

    i shared on twitter

  118. 118
    Christina Mott says:

    I shared your giveaway on Facebook.

  119. 119
    Christina Mott says:

    I follow ZoomYummy on Facebook. =)

  120. 120
    Christina Mott says:

    I pinned this giveaway on Pinterest. =)

  121. 121
    Christina Mott says:

    I follow ZoomYummy on Pinterest. ^.^

  122. 122
    Christina Mott says:

    I shared this giveaway on Google Plus. =)

  123. 123
    Christina Mott says:

    I shared this giveaway on Twitter. ^.^

  124. 124
    Dianne says:

    My end of summer plans are to read another book, nap a bit and finish at least one WIP

  125. 125
    Sarah says:

    I am going to try and finish my Halloween costume – I’m planning on dressing up as a parrot!

  126. 126
    Alyssa Black says:

    The rest of my summer will include: reading some books before school starts back up, finishing the scarf I just started knitting yesterday, planting succulents in my front yard with my roommate, and going to as much yoga as I possibly can before my summer break ends. 🙂

  127. 127
    MelodyJ says:

    We plan to go to a local theme park.

  128. 128
    Wendy Hatton says:

    No holidays just now here in Australia where the weather is decidedly chilly. Lighting the fire and getting cozy with my crochet hook is my favorite activity at the moment.

  129. 129
  130. 130
    Wendy Hatton says:

    I’m following on Pinterest
    Wendy Hatton

  131. 131
    Wendy Hatton says:

    I’ve retweeted you giveaway tweet

  132. 132

    For the rest of the summer I am planning to do some more crochet and knitting, crafting with my son and just enjoying the time I have with him before he goes back to school :-).

  133. 133
    Helena says:

    Thank you for this fantastic giveaway!
    I have no plan to this end of summer.
    today is my birthday, but my heart is far away in the city of Pari where my son live.
    Fingers crossed.

  134. 134
    Helena says:

    following you via pinterest:Soraya Helena

  135. 135
    Helena says:

    Following you via fb:Jens Ken Lundstrom

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    Helena says:

    Also suscribed on
    The color of the garn is so bauiful!

  140. 140
    antonella disanto says:

    here with me the summer has not been seen in cold weather so I can not organize anything

  141. 141
    Kallirroe says:

    I’m going to Portugal on September 🙂

  142. 142
    Susana says:

    This week I’m on holidays, so my plans are doing some crochet in my garden and house working (cleaning, painting, packing things, etc.), resting a bit and may be going for a local walk… For the rest of the summer, I have no plans, I’ll have to go to work…

  143. 143
    Sofia M says:

    I’m having my wedding and the christening of my daughter in approximately 2 weeks!That is the most fun thing I will have done for a while!

  144. 144
    Sofia M says:

    I’m a fan on facebook!

  145. 145
    ilaria falco says:

    Thank you for this giveaway!
    I have no plan to this end of summer…. 🙁 🙁 🙁

  146. 146
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    ilaria falco says:

    I’m a fan on fb: ilary falco

  148. 148
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    ilaria falco says:

    I follow you on pinterest: ilaria falco

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    Roxie says:

    Yes I do…Going to the beach and taking my zoom yummy crochet!!!!!

  153. 153

    For the rest of the summer, I plan to clean up and organize a few things and really just relax and look forward to the fall/winter months.

  154. 154
    Erin Madigan says:

    Nothing really fun planned for the rest of the summer (since its technically over here…school is back in session!)

  155. 155
    Viv Sluys says:

    I do have fun plans left this summer! We are going to see where my husband grew and camp on by the beach where he used to play.

  156. 156
    Viv Sluys says:

    I’m a fan on facebook (ViviAn Sluys)

  157. 157
  158. 158
    Viv Sluys says:

    I follow on pinterest (Viv Sluy)

  159. 159
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    Ana says:

    Now I’m a fan also on Facebook.
    Here in Brazil is winter now, but since we’re in Rio de Janeiro there are always “summer like” days to enjoy at the beach, watch the sunset and later at night eat some delicious soup and end the day crocheting something gorgeus – inspired on Zoom Yummy designs. 🙂

  161. 161
    shawna says:

    I am going to Atlantic city

  162. 162
    Angi Welsh says:

    I’m sad to say that I have absolutely no fun plans for the rest of the summer. Guess I’ll just have to relax!

  163. 163
    Joanna Allison says:

    My son is coming to visit in a couple of weeks. That will be fun.

  164. 164
    Gabriela says:

    Here in Argentina we’re still in winter, but for the next summer (luckly not too far away) I dream to crochet all day long or at least try to. Thanks for the opportunity. Love peace and crochet Gabriela

  165. 165
    Candice Taylor says:

    I shared the link to the contest on Facebook 🙂

  166. 166
    Candice Taylor says:

    I’m a fan of ZoomYummy on Facebook!

  167. 167
    Candice Taylor says:

    I pinned this giveaway to Pinterest!

  168. 168
    Candice Taylor says:

    I shared the giveaway on Twitter too!

  169. 169
    Candice Taylor says:

    I hope I can make some fun plans for the rest of the Summer. The weather has been cold here and rainy! I do have some crochet planned, and that’s fun to me! Maybe some fishing?

  170. 170
    Jessica H. says:

    Summer might as well end on Thursday for me 🙁 But I will be celebrating three and a half years with my boyfriend on the 24th so that’s exciting! (:

  171. 171
    Jessica H. says:

    Liked on Facebook Jessica M. H. 🙂

  172. 172
    Jessica H. says:

    Followed on Pinterest! (jessi19283)

  173. 173
    Samii Meyer says:

    We are going to go camping!

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    Leslie says:

    Love the yarn color. Pinned on my pinterest.

  177. 177
    Diane Lawton says:

    Not any exciting plans but I am going to try crocheting a chevron handbag!!!

  178. 178
    Diane Lawton says:

    I shared this link with my face book friends!

  179. 179
    Diane Lawton says:

    I shared with all my new twitter friends!

  180. 180
    Sarah Hluchy says:

    I’m planning on just having fun loom knitting and settling into the new church my family will prob be joining soon.

  181. 181
    peg scott says:

    The summer is quickly coming to an end and I get to see two more grandchildren starting their first day of school, this requires a big celebration, fun, food, and swimming

  182. 182
    Peg Scott says:

    Celebration for all the grandchildrens first day of school

  183. 183
    krystyl olson says:

    We are going on a mini road trip to visit my grandparent in the desert Osoyoos 🙂

  184. 184
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    krystyl olson says:

    i follow you on pintrest (what a treasure trove!) via darkkrystyl

  186. 186
    deana c says:

    My FUN PLANS FOR THE REST OF THE SUMMER are to go to the beach!

  187. 187
    Dave L says:

    No plans. Can’t believe August is almost over! Thank you for the great giveaway.

  188. 188
    Katrina says:

    My plans for the rest of summer involve job hunting. Boo. No fun for me. Unless I win this yarn. That would be a little fun.

  189. 189
    Katrina says:

    liked your fb page as Katrina Page. Thanks.

  190. 190
    velder dixon says:

    some cookouts

  191. 191
    Erica B. says:

    We still have plans to go to the beach.

  192. 192
    christine k says:

    I do not have any fun plans for the rest of summer, but I am trying to plan a hiking trip with my kids for mid fall!

  193. 193
    christine k says:

    I follow zoomyummy on pinterest 🙂

  194. 194
    Emilia Nord says:

    Haven’t got fun plans for the rest of summer. There are lots of things I need to do before september starts, but that’s not fun 🙁

  195. 195
    Emilia Nord says:

    liked you on FB as Emilia Nord

  196. 196

    Just to snuggle my new little baby 🙂

  197. 197
    Paula says:

    Caught me at the end of summer! But going to a wedding this weekend.

  198. 198
    chris v says:

    going to the fair !

  199. 199
    Miz Vickik says:

    We’re trying to get to the beach one last time!

  200. 200
    Breanne says:

    To visit family

  201. 201

    I am hoping that we will go on several more nature “day trips”!

  202. 202
    Calypso Hope says:

    Yes! I’m going on a hiking trip with my boyfriend!

  203. 203
    Lauren Knott says:

    We are doing a farewell too summer extravaganza at Steamboat next weekend! My kids are so excited!!!

  204. 204
    melanie says:

    I’m going to a wedding upstate NY and I am looking forward to that!

  205. 205
    melanie says:

    I became a fan of ZoomYummy on Facebook-Melanie Huttner

  206. 206
  207. 207
    melanie says:

    I Follow ZoomYummy on Pinterest – momohutt

  208. 208
    Candie L says:

    Sad Face, we went back to school this week!!!! But we are going to the lake today since summer temperatures are just now hitting us. Thank you

  209. 209
    Betty C says:

    I’m planning a weekend of shopping in Kansas City.

  210. 210
    Betty C says:

    I’m a Facebook fan.

  211. 211
    Betty C says:

    I follow on Pinterest. User name is bettycurr

  212. 212
    Stephanie Galbraith says:

    We will be going laser tag on Sunday!

  213. 213
    Kassie Brown says:

    I am due at the end of the summer, so my husband and I have been busy getting ready.

  214. 214
    Donna K says:

    I hope to go to Florida.

  215. 215
    Donna K says:

    Liked on facebook.(Donna Kozar)

  216. 216
    Donna K says:

    I follow on pinterest. donnak4

  217. 217

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