Random Joy (A Very Colorful Edition)

colorful glass flower beads for crafting

Crafting is my love and joy and a few lovely and colorful things of crafty kind have made me really happy recently. I love those phases of my creative process where I gather cute little things and let them inspire me. Ahh, pure joy! And the joy gets even bigger if I can share those little thingies with you…



I enjoy using my new colorful flower beads. They are already playing an important prettifying role in my new crochet project (psst, more on that in my later post).


crochet presentation in ikea frame filled with burlap fabric

I also enjoy my new Ikea frame that I have adjusted a little and use it as a presentation board for my crochet ornaments.


colorful sequins

I enjoy these colorful sequins. Christmas projects, here I come!


colorful heart beads

And these heart beads – them and me, that is true love.


wooden sticks heart and star

I have yet to find a way how to use these wooden sticks (any ideas?). But aren’t they just adorable?


colorful ribbons

And these ribbons. A colorful ribbon is a girl’s best friend… is what I say.


owl notebook with owl pen

I really love my new owl notebook too. Oh, and it came with an owl pen. Ahh, my heart is happy.


heart punch

Thanks for letting me share my little joys, dear friends! I appreciate it!

Wishing you a nice day!



4 thoughts on “Random Joy (A Very Colorful Edition)

  1. 1
    kangaroo says:

    Very nice pictures!

  2. 2
    Dena says:

    Beautiful. Love the color and the inspiration in the photos, knowing they bring you joy.

    As for the wooden sticks: How about bookmarks, colorfully dcorated with a bit of crochet and glitter?

  3. 3
    Petra says:

    Thanks Dena!

    That idea with the sticks is terrific, I like it a lot!

    Petra 🙂

  4. 4
    Adriana says:

    Lovely, good ideas, as always.

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