The Cutest ‘Wedding Place Cards’ Idea!

wedding gingerbread heart place cards


The wedding is over.

And it was truly amazing.

The bride looked just wonderful. She changed three dresses throughout the evening – gold, white and blue one.

She looked dazzling.

The groom was as cute, kind and handsome as a groom can be. And his hands were as cold as groom’s hands can get.

If you know what I mean.


The ceremony took place in a church and I loved it, except for one little detail – I didn’t understand a single word.

No, I didn’t go through some random period of mental disintegration.

The thing is that I just don’t speak the native language of the couple being wed. But I liked it anyway. Partly because it gave me more time to focus on the photographer’s work and his equipment. At one moment, I was really tempted to jump up and run around with my camera, just like him.

Except, I didn’t have my camera with me. Which was a painful torture.


Are you asking why the heck I went without a camera?

Well, before the wedding, me and my man came to a conclusion that it’s inappropriate for me to bring the camera along since I have this strange uncontrollable tendency to detach from this world’s affairs for quite a moment once I start taking pictures. And if that happened, I wouldn’t probably be the best companion.

I agreed.



Then there was a party – loads of scrumptious food, the most delicious champagne, all sort of sweets, the wedding cake with six layers, new friends, bottomless hospitality and a lot of mad dancing.

Just marvelous!


Also, what I wanted to show you, and what you definitely must have noticed by now, is the loot of mine that I really adore – a cookie place ‘card’.

Isn’t that just the cutest idea for a place card?

I love it!

So that is what I wanted to show you…

Now, I have shown it to you…


P.S.: Some of you have asked me to let you see the whole outfit I was wearing and which I presented in parts here. The answer is – I might, once we’ll be sent the pictures …and I will be present in at least one of them. Let’s hope…