Crochet Patterns from ZoomYummy Now As Instant Downloads

instant download crochet patterns from

Hi guys!

I have some really exciting news today!

Some of you might have noticed that I run a crochet pattern shop. It is a place that’s very close to my heart. Since the day I’ve opened the shop, it has found many customers among you. And I am truly and eternally thankful for that. There’s nothing better than knowing that you can make the same projects that I love so much and feel so passionate about.

As time went by I received a couple of emails from you suggesting I could offer instant downloads in my shop instead of sending the patterns by email.

You asked… And I listened.

And today I am very proud to announce that with great help from my tech-savvy friend my shop now offers crochet patterns as instant downloads!

So there’s no more waiting involved. Yay!

I wish you happy crocheting!

And a lovely weekend too!

With love,


Busy, Busy

crochet owl coaster

Hi, friends!

I hope you are doing great and that your life is treating you well.

My latest days have been busy, busy… but in the the most sweet way. We’ve been planning a move into a new place that will be most probably happening soon (yay!). There was a lot of crocheting and new pattern designing going on. And me and my good friend have been working on a new adjustment in my crochet pattern shop that I will tell you more about soon. I find that adjustment really terrific! I think you will like it too!

Wishing you a gorgeous new week!

See you soon!



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