Ice Shot Glasses


I really am experimenting with ice these days.

And I love it!

My freezer is a source of fun, joy and so needed cool refreshment these days.

First I made the Colorful Ice Cubes (you can check out the lovely cuties here).

And because I usually have a hard time letting go of things, I just knew I have to give the freezer a new job of some kind.

The other day I stumbled upon this strange looking thing in a shop.

After I surveyed it for awhile, I thought to myself with rising excitement:

Hm. What could this be…?




To my horror I found out I had said the last two words out loud and rather loudly.

The embarrassment!

Subsequently, I tried my best to look invisible to a couple of shoppers who were eying me up and down, threw the thing into the shopping basket and headed to the counter at sonic speed.

In spite of the embarrassment, I felt like I was the happiest person on the planet … because what I found were ICE SHOT GLASSES MOLDS!

I hadn’t even known they existed!

A very special note: If you’d like to have molds like these then check out this colorful GIVEAWAY!

Anyway, as soon as I came home a craze began.

I gathered two sprigs of my beloved, new planted mint

…some sugar heart decorations…

…and some sugar rice decorations too.

I threw all the stuff into the molds.

Filled the molds with water.

And stuck this magical, interior-creating thing in.

Then I popped the molds into the freezer.

After a couple of hours I got this.

The coolest shot glasses ever.


I got so amazed by these cuties that my fantasy started running wild:

What if I filled the molds with fruit juice?

Or jello?

Or melted chocolate?

The possibilities are endless.

I can’t wait to give all these ideas a try…

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