The Best News

little big hand mr.P

Hi friends!

I am thrilled to announce that two weeks ago our little Mr.P was born. He is healthy and oh so handsome. Our hearts are overflowing with love and joy.

See you when things get a little settled around here (right now I am in the process of learning how to do just about everything with one hand). 🙂

With lots & lots & lots of love,


P.S.: Any advice on spending the first weeks at home with a new baby will be greatly appreciated…

31 thoughts on “The Best News

  1. 1
    Sandra says:

    What an adorable little hand! Congratulations to you for this wonderful news of the new little boy in your life!
    The first few weeks at home with baby are all about getting into a new routine! Just play it by ear and adapt to baby’s needs and rest when he rests. I could never let any of my babies cry and always went to them to see to their needs! They cry for a reason. It is how they communicate!

    You will soon feel at ease with all these new things to deal with and, as the weeks go by, baby will feel more settled and those night feeds don’t last forever! Good luck! I’m sure everything will be wonderful!

  2. 2
    Lily says:

    Well, you won’t sleep much but don’t dread it. It’ll be over soon.
    Hold him. Carry him as much as you can.
    Forget about the chores they’re not important.

  3. 3
    Valerie says:


    Rest, cuddle, love and rest some more. Just enjoy your new little boy and find a routine that works. Rest when you can and don’t push yourself to get everything done. Just find what works for you and baby P.

  4. 4
    adrienne says:

    Congratulations! I have a 5 month old & a 2 year old. My advice for the first two months is to do what feels good. Cobwebs and dust bunnies can wait. Snuggles with your newborn is a priceless & limited time offer. But so is putting him down and walking outside around the house when the crying gets to be too much! Remember to love on yourself as much as you love on your little one. Hugs & happiness, dear heart!

  5. 5

    Congratulations on the birth of your little boy.

  6. 6
    Dena says:

    Congratulations, Petra.

    May your son have a long, healthy and happy life.

    As for advice on the first weeks home with baby: take it moment to moment. You will feel every emotion there is during these first few days. Accept them without judgement. Rest. Enjoy time with the baby’s father. Accept help.

    Love. Love. Love.


  7. 7
    Eva,Cyprus says:

    Hi,dear Petra! I totally love your blog!
    Congratulations with your new life and the best wishes for u,your newborn angel and all your family! May u all be healthy and happy!
    My advise, just get as much sleep and rest u can together with little one,just stay with him in bed for all the first month,especially if u breastfeed. Don’t try to be the superwoman now, dusting,ironing etc can await. Enjoy any help provided.
    God bless you all!
    Best regards,

  8. 8
    Deb says:

    Congratulations to you and your family, Petra.
    There are a lot of changes, not only with the new addition but with you as well.
    Embrace Help….Have family and friends take shifts to help.
    Enjoy, it comes and goes so fast….

  9. 9
    Valentina says:

    Soak up every minute. Congratulations! XO

  10. 10
    Irene says:

    Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful baby boy.
    Much happiness and love for your family!

  11. 11
    Celyne says:

    Félicitations à l’heureuse maman.

  12. 12
    Sherrill says:

    Congratulations!!! Wonderful news. My only advice would be to hold him, and love him. Household chores can wait. Your first few weeks are so wonderful. Bonding with a new little one is amazing. Yes, you will be tired, but it is well worth it.

  13. 13
    Lorraine says:

    So precious! So happy for you! 🙂

  14. 14
    Elsie Perez says:


    Enjoy every minute and take lots of pictures because they change so much so quickly. Babies follow a pattern of eat, play, sleep at the beginning (is far more predictable than the rest). Don’t worry about making everything perfect. Sleep when the baby sleeps so that you are able to get some rest. Even if you are just closing your eyes for 10 minutes. Plus, a nice shower works miracles so get the bouncy and have baby nearby as you shower. My babies liked the sound of the shower because it was soothing.

    May the Lord continue blessing your family!

  15. 15
    crisyy says:

    Congratulations 🙂

  16. 16
    Susan says:

    Congratulations on your little boy! What a blessed little boy he is (and will be) with a loving and oh-so-clever Mommy like you! If I was there I would sign up for babysitting! My best advice is what everyone else has said. Rest when you can, enjoy every minute with your baby, and remember that chores can be done by the many others who love you! Blessings always!

  17. 17
    zohreh says:

    congratulation petra for the birth of your son , I am so happy for you. he is so lucky to have a talented mom . my best advice is to enjoy every moment with your little boy . much much love . take care .xoxo. zohreh

  18. 18
    Jana says:

    Truly wonderful news, Petra! Oh, I bet he’s just the most adorable little bundle of joy! Born in the Heart of Europe, at the beginning of spring. Perfect.
    Someone above said, ‘Do what feels right.’ That sums it up. Every baby is different, and so are their moms. What works for others might not work for you, and you might figure out a way to do tings that will not make sense to anyone else. And that’s how it’s supposed to be. You are his mom, and no one knows him better than you do. You can’t spoil him by endlessly loving him. Don’t let any books, mommy blogs, or “well” meaning friends and family tell you otherwise.
    If there was one thing I wish someone would tell me – and no one ever did! – it’s that that sweet, intoxicating newborn baby breath will not last forever. Oh, how I wish I could smell it one more time!

    {Nechce sa mi verit, ze moj maly chlapcek je uz “velky” jeden-a-pol rocny sibal. Z celeho srdca gratulujem k vasmu drobcekovi. Nech je vzdy zdravy a spokojny, a nech vam prinasa iba radost a hrdost.}

  19. 19
    Petra says:

    Thank you all very much! You are the sweetest! And I appreciate your words of advice as well – so helpful!! 🙂

  20. 20
    Adriana says:

    WOOOOOOOOWWWWWW. Congratulations. I am sooooooooo happy. All the best to all of you for ever and ever and ever.

  21. 21
    craftyland says:

    Congratulations to you and your family. It goes faster than you ever think it will. Enjoy these quiet moments at home, getting to know your little boy. You’ll be chasing him around before you know it.

  22. 22
    Irmgard says:

    Don’t worry about how to spent time by having a new born baby at home
    He will let you know and keep you super busy for a long time. Hehehe
    Enjoy all seconds with him

  23. 23
    Adriana says:


  24. 24
    Valia says:

    Congratulations for your new baby Petra!Do what feels right to you, listen to advice but use your own judgement, you are the mum.Love him, but most impotantly love yourself!Because if you are not happy, your baby will not be happy either!

  25. 25

    Olá amiga, estou passando por aqui mais uma vez, desculpa por não deixar comentário na maioria das vezes que te visito, mas dessa vez tenho que confessar que o teu blog está muito bonito, ah, e estou te seguindo há bastante tempo já, beijokas
    Visite meu blog – Tita Carré – Crochet

  26. 26
    Tina says:

    Ahoj Petra!
    Srdečne blahoželám a veľmi sa teším. Náš Matyáš bude mať už 4 roky. Neskutočne rýchlo to prešlo. Mamina s ocinom sa určite veľmi tešia. Dúfam, že sa aspoň v noci vyspíš. Pa Tina

    • 26.1
      Petra says:

      Dakujem, Martinka. Veru, rychlo to ide, my uz budeme mat coskoro 2 mesiace. Vyspat sa celkom da, dame aj 8 hodin v noci, po kuskoch, ale predsa…. 🙂

  27. 27
    Claudia says:

    How wonderful to hear of your news! Congratulations! I wish you lots of joy and fun with your little one and am sending you lots of love for your happy little family! Greetings from Germany

  28. 28
    Kzoo Kid says:

    Congrats! A boy is a special creature…
    Enjoy him, and help him enjoy being in the world. It’s an amazing place with a little hand in yours.
    And for when he gets bigger…
    Always – ALWAYS – check his pockets before washing clothes. All pockets. Just because nothing’s moving in there doesn’t mean nothing’s in there.

  29. 29
    uma says:

    H i Petra
    Thats a great news …Congratulations on the birth of your little boy.

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