Coffee And Candle (365/33)

candle in glass with coffee beans

I added a little ‘happy’ to my home today with this simple decoration.

It’s vanilla scented candle in a glass filled with real coffee beans.

The inspiration came from a very similar thing I saw in a pub that I visited just recently.

I have to admit, I like this little decor a lot. So romantic and cute! Candles have a special magical power to lift my spirits during the months of winter. I love them so much!

Thanks for letting me share!

I wish you a splendid weekend!


(P.S.: The glass and the candle are from Ikea.)


11 thoughts on “Coffee And Candle (365/33)

  1. 1
    Adriana says:

    I like the idea with the candle. So simple and effective. Also easy to do at home. Thanks for sharing, I will try make my own.

  2. 2
    mau says:

    Beautiful !!!!

  3. 3
    Martina Kuklová says:

    Ahoj Petra! Chcem sa spytať z akej vlny to háčkuješ? Veľmi sa mi páči tvoja 3D deka s kvetinkami. Som bývalá kolegyňa tvojej mamky Gitky. Zdraví ťa Martina

  4. 4
    Martina says:

    Ahoj Petrička! Ďakujem ti veľmi pekne za informáciu o vlne. Učím sa háčkovať, ale na teba a Gitku nemám. Mám to ako relax popri každodenných povinnostiach pri našom malom Matyášovi. Videla som tú vlnu na niektorej stránke s vlnami ja používam Camilu tiež je to bavlna. Matyášovi som robila takú jarnú čiapočku. Ja už dávno sledujem tvoj blog, musím ťa pochváliť máš tam veľa inšpiratívnych príspevkov. Želám ti krásny večer a ďakujem. Martina

  5. 5
    zohreh says:

    very charming .i like it.thanks for sharing with us.xo.zohreh

  6. 6
    Peach says:

    I thought they were chocoate chips!

  7. 7
    Shawna says:

    I absolutely love this. I must admit, yours is so much cuter than the pub’s combination. ;D
    ♥ Shawna

  8. 8
    Alex says:

    While the candles on coffee beans look really cool, please be careful with them. My sister had some of those awhile back and we found out that coffee beans are flammable. We were watching TV when all of the sudden one of the dishes burst into flames. Probably not very smart, but I grabbed it and ran it into the kitchen and put it in the sink and turned the water on. Just keep an eye on them so you don’t have an accident!

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