Vienna in August

Vienna in August pictures

We visited Vienna yesterday.

With it’s romance, history, and elegance, Vienna holds a very special place in my heart.

It is just adorable.


Vienna in August pictures

These balls marked the beginning of our exciting stroll.

That is a good sign!

Or is it?


Vienna in August pictures

The atmosphere was very leisurely.

It was a bank holiday in Austria.

And a national sudoku day also, I guess.


Pattern ~ Miniature Crochet Teddy Bears

crochet mini teddy bears pattern by

(Update: To see more of my patterns, please visit my ONLINE SHOP!)


I am beyond excited to announce that I have finally finished creating my new pattern – this time it is all about miniature teddy bears.

Oh, how I love them!


crochet mini teddy bears by

The pattern explains how this little fella was born.

You can find all necessary details in my shop.

Happy crocheting and happy weekend!


(Update: To see more of my patterns, please visit my ONLINE SHOP!)


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