Magical Place

store with vicorian shabby chic items


I think this place is completely magical.

When it sucks me in (just like it did today) the world stops spinning and time comes to a halt. As it often happens, I manage to come to life about an hour later, finding an ecstatic smile on my face and a bag full of lovely stuff in my hand…

How does this all happen?

I admit, I’d like to figure out the mechanism of it all. For these purely scientific purposes, I think I’ll need to visit this fascinating place again soon.

With love,
Petra, The Scientist

8 thoughts on “Magical Place

  1. 1
    Adriana says:

    Wow, do much staff. Good therapy.

  2. 2
    Maria Beatrix says:

    I know this place. I just don’t remember its name, but I’d been there once. I made me crazy!

  3. 3
    Maria Beatrix says:

    I mean, it made me crazy.

  4. 4
    Maria Beatrix says:

    Apropos! Isn’t it?

  5. 5
    Petra says:

    … yes Maria, it is Apropos!!! Bingo! 🙂

  6. 6

    It looks like a fun place. I see a few things I would like in my bag 🙂

  7. 7
    zohreh says:

    wow,I wish i was there too ,i need this kind of calmness so badly ,I’m so tired of spring cleaning ,enjoy shopping.hugs,zohreh

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