Rosemary in Flower

Rosemary in flower is wonderful.

And amazingly fragrant.

Right now, it is vibrating with loads of excited bees and bumble-bees that can’t get enough of its sweet nectar.

It was once held to represent love and faithfulness.

I’ve learned that rosemary was also used in love potions – oh my.

Now, if you will excuse me please, I really need to cook something…

2 thoughts on “Rosemary in Flower

  1. 1
    ldh says:

    I have had rosemary growing in my garden for several years and it has never flowered. What a pretty little flower it has! I appreciate seeing these lovely photos!

    Kindly, ldh

  2. 2
    Heavenly Housewife says:

    So pretty. I love growing my own herbs, they are so much cheaper than at the supermarket.
    Have a fab weekend daaaaaahling.
    *kisses* HH

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